Most Wanted Famicom Games?

Started by Doc, July 30, 2006, 12:02:48 am

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Ya I'm confused about that now too.  I've seen both handwritten labels and real labels that are on a sticker sheet unused.  Before I assumed that the store had stock of these sticker sheets with the labels and would give them to the people to attach themselves to the game.  But then I've seen labels that are just handwritten and I doubt that many people were copying games themselves so I'm not sure.  But my best guess is the real labels were given by the shop after it was written, and also the paper foldout manual as opposed to the booklet manual.  As far as All Night Nippon I have no idea cause I don't think I've ever seen a real label on the disk without it being complete.


My guess is that some of the more popular gaming stores would carry extra stickers for you to use (I've seen disks with 2-3 stickers on top of each other.), and some of the smaller stores wouldn't.


Yeah exactly, just copying and sticking another one on top.  But there are official NIntendo blank stickers like on the Kaettekita Mario Bros. I have up for auction so I guess it could be game shop difference or maybe you bought the real ones for a couple bucks more, but I've never heard that before, just a guess. 


I've read in a few places that all night nippon was also sold at the store copier things.   


Yeah, it was. I want to find one with the sticker, that'd be awesome.