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Christmas in Video Games

Started by Jedi Master Baiter, December 16, 2014, 10:45:59 pm

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Jedi Master Baiter

I thought this would be an interesting topic to start.

As many of us already know, there aren't very many holiday-themed video games, for reasons. ??? So it's interesting when we do find Christmas represented in our Famicoms/Nintendos/Segas/whatever. :D

So I'll start!

Batman Returns
Of course, the film is centered around the Christmas season, so the game can't escape that aspect: the first stage has you fighting against a toughman in front of a Christmas tree and later in the game, Batman is framed for killing the Ice Princess. Those were dark times. :-\

Home Alone / 2
Another movie-based game series centered around Chrimstas.

Mappy Land (maybe)
I'm not sure, but if I recall correctly, there is an instance where Mappy is trying to get home in time for Christmas. ???

King of Kings - The Early Years
The Wisdom Tree game... enough said.

Jetpack Christmas Special
I used to love this DOS game back in the 'day! There's a Christmas pack where you play as Santa dropping presents under trees.

Christmas NiGHTS
Okay, I haven't actually played this, but I've heard of it. :-\


December 17, 2014, 03:36:43 am #1 Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 03:49:48 am by UglyJoe
SkyRoads Xmas Special

Xmas Lemmings

I could of sworn there was a Christmas version of Super Sprint as well, but I can't find any information on it.  Maybe it was a Christmas version of a DOS clone of Super Sprint.

Found it!

Super Speed Christmas Edition


Do any of the Megaman have Christmassy stuff in the Winter levels?  Thinking Cold Man and the like...
My for Sale / Trade thread


I've never enjoyed holiday themes for anything, generally.

In contrast, I do like winter theme and enjoyed the old Snowcraft PC game.


You don't like Christmas?!?   It's not for everyone I suppose.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Quote from: L___E___T on December 17, 2014, 06:17:08 am
Do any of the Megaman have Christmassy stuff in the Winter levels?  Thinking Cold Man and the like...

Not any of the Famicom games anyway. Maybe Megaman 8 had it? Probably not.

Super Mario 64 had a Santa reference in the first snow level but that was about it.

Jedi Master Baiter

I can't believe I forgot about Sailor Moon R!

Seriously, though, this one makes no sense. They went out of their way to make a Christmas-themed Juuban District when no such thing happened in the animé, and the first half of the stage was just some T.A. Academy festival. ???


Perhaps my disdain for yuletide cheer stemmed from working retail many years ago. And although I do exchange gifts with loved ones (wife and parents exclusively), I don't decorate, and I am "that guy" in the office that opts out of Secret Santas, as I feel that said holiday has no place in a workplace.

And at the risk of sounding like a teenager with an Anti-Flag poster and an overdose of suburban rebellion, I see the majority of holidays to be nothing more than marketing ploys that encourage the increasing of  credit card debt as "strengthening the economy." Moreover, I view them as another plague of western civilization that's corrupting the rest of the world.

In fact, this year is the first year my country has had Black Friday sales, and Black Friday is quite possibly my single-most hated part of American culture.

But then, in terms of games and other creative endeavors, I find the themes to be cliched and void of creativity. The effort put into making Santa hats and Jack o Lanterns would be better served to produce original content.

Jedi Master Baiter

Don't let the commercialization of holidays get to you. I spent last Christmas at Chico, a small town in northern California, and it was quite nice. Honestly, I've always loved Christmas and no Grinch in the world will ever change that. It has nothing to do with presents or money or santa or even the music, or Christianity. It's all about finally relaxing after a year of hard work and stress, reaping the benefits of harvest, and enjoying the seasonal spirit illuminated through festive decorations and saying hell to watching how much you eat and drinking extra nog. :D

Because, let's face it -- it doesn't last long.

And there are worse jobs than retail during Christmas, you know.


I also enjoy Northern California, based upon my view visits.

As for better jobs than retail during Christmas, I most wholeheartedly agree... and I'm sure the personal toll of those jobs would be greater than turning my previous disinterest of a holiday into disdain. They just weren't relevant to the topic at hand.



Sachen's Q Boy on NES had some Christmas themes.
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


The Super Famicom game Parodiusu Da! features presents and some music clips from the The Nutcracker~
Here are a few games I am looking for right now
Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Sega Saturn)
GeGeGe no Kotarou (Sega Saturn)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Sega Saturn)
KiKi KaiKai (PC Engine) (CIB)
Puzzle Bobble (Super Famicom) (CIB)


Jazz Jackrabbit had two christmas episodes, IIRC.