Nintendo's selling an incomplete 2015 Wii U game? They sure are.

Started by FamicomRetroGamer, January 19, 2015, 04:50:16 pm

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That being, Mario Party 10.

QuoteYour amiibo becomes a game piece in the all-new amiibo Party mode! At least one amiibo is required in order to access this mode.
Game boards vary based on the amiibo used. On the Mario board, you might encounter an event where you use a Mushroom to suddenly grow or collect coins while defeating your rivals. On the Luigi board, you may have to suck up your rivals' stars and coins using the Poltergust.

It really sucks because this isn't a good sign of the future of Nintendo games and considering they're treating Amiibos like DLC, expect to buy Amiibos to unlock game modes or content that should've been included originally for the price you paid. DAMMIT NINTENDO DON'T COPY UBISOFT/EA/CAPCOM!!  :'(

Also, it's pretty sucky there's no online play.  :(


Wow, still no online for Mario Party??? Wow. I'm not totally surprised, but I still think some people would enjoy it. These new amiibos do look nice though.


Games with features that unlocks only with extra peripherals isn't exactly a new trend though. For example Wind Waker requires a GBA and cable to be able to use the Tingel Tuner, and about every GBA or DS game has some kind of feature, big or small, that is only unlocked with some kind of linking.


So wait, you're mad that an optional mode specifically tailored to use Amiibo cannot be played without an Amiibo?  ???


Microsoft and Sony are making a shitload of money from this, they want that money too.

It's not their fault if there are stupid people paying for DLCs and others.


I don't mind DLC and extra features, I see them more like getting the potions when you buy a brand new car.  You don't have to get them all.

I know, I know, but the game itself without this stuff is the same price it's always been?!  

Thing is, games cost SoooooO much more money to make than they used to, the people that buy this stuff help fund the main game believe it or not.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Games also sell a heck of a lot more than they used to.

Personally I'm annoyed by extra content locked behind a paywall..  Customers don't want 'choice', they just want everything.

For me, that means, if I don't get everything when I pay one price to buy a game, then I'm simply not going to be buying it unless it's heavily discounted.   :bub:


Quote from: Bob-Bob on January 21, 2015, 12:16:41 am
So wait, you're mad that an optional mode specifically tailored to use Amiibo cannot be played without an Amiibo?  ???

They could have worked well enough without them and once you pop them on the NFC you won't need them ever again because they'll be unlocked afterwards. It's nothing more than a paywall/DLC for the game.

Quote from: MasterDiskMicrosoft and Sony are making a shitload of money from this, they want that money too.

More so Activision and Disney, but yeah, the idea's the same.

Nintendo figured "So Activision and Disney made their figures and sell a lot, well, let's do it too guys!" and so they did. lol


Um, it's a mode specifically built around Amiibo. It's not DLC. They don't "unlock" anything. The mode is there right from the beginning. You just need an Amiibo to play it. Everything else that would've normally been present in a game like this is perfectly intact.

So far there have been no games that have entire chunks missing and require an Amiibo to access. Most of the games with Amiibo functionality just give you a tiny little bonus as an incentive for having already bought the Amiibo. How is this even remotely comparable to other companies' DLC practices or the Skylanders/Disney Infinity method where the figurines are the game?

There is no "paywall". It's called "Amiibo Party" because it uses Amiibo. Nothing else in the game uses them. They're not hiding anything. What's the problem?


Yeah, that sounds completely normal and reasonable to me as well.


I think the hidden message here is that Nintendo are supporting Amiibo in a very big way, of course.  It's something we will need to get used to and be comfortable with if you want to play new Nintendo games.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Quote from: Bob-Bob on January 21, 2015, 01:05:04 pm
Um, it's a mode specifically built around Amiibo. It's not DLC. They don't "unlock" anything. The mode is there right from the beginning. You just need an Amiibo to play it. Everything else that would've normally been present in a game like this is perfectly intact.

So far there have been no games that have entire chunks missing and require an Amiibo to access. Most of the games with Amiibo functionality just give you a tiny little bonus as an incentive for having already bought the Amiibo. How is this even remotely comparable to other companies' DLC practices or the Skylanders/Disney Infinity method where the figurines are the game?

There is no "paywall". It's called "Amiibo Party" because it uses Amiibo. Nothing else in the game uses them. They're not hiding anything. What's the problem?

You're just sugar-coating the problem which is the problem with the defendants of Amiibo locked content, and if you're okay with it, fine it's your decision but this no different than Capcom selling DLC which are already on the disc.

People already paid for the game and the content's there, so it's only fair to let them play.

Quote from: L___E___T on January 23, 2015, 02:00:59 am
I think the hidden message here is that Nintendo are supporting Amiibo in a very big way, of course.  It's something we will need to get used to and be comfortable with if you want to play new Nintendo games.

Mario Party 10 is another $40 budget game so I'd guess that the full priced games won't suffer from this awful mentality.


Quote from: FamicomRetroGamer on January 23, 2015, 09:45:39 am
You're just sugar-coating the problem which is the problem with the defendants of Amiibo locked content, and if you're okay with it, fine it's your decision but this no different than Capcom selling DLC which are already on the disc.

Amiibos are a form of DLC.  There isn't really a way to refute that.  Comparing it to plain old on-disc DLC is taking it a bit far, though.  Nintendo has taken great care in making DLC as palatable as possible via Amiibos.  You're getting a physical item.  You're getting content for multiple games and not just one.  You're getting something that tracks statistics.  It's as despicable as any other DLC, but it's impossible to say that they aren't at least trying to make it a bit more fun.


Apparently, you can also use them to get free train rides.


Damn I just bought a commuter pass, should have bought a Rockman Amiibo instead!