Jail bars on screen on Nintendo MT 999

Started by raziel90, June 13, 2015, 09:02:46 am

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June 13, 2015, 09:02:46 am Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 12:42:34 pm by raziel90
Hello friends i got a new famiclone MT 999 DX with workin AV but with jail bars on the screen ( its kinda hard to notice them but  it can be seen ) so how is the easyest way to fix them ? I only tryed to clean the console and the 72 pin connector from dust ( even the builded games are with jail bars not only on carts ) Please someone tell me what should i do  .And if someone is from Bulgaria please contact me , thank you . :mario:

Here is screenshot

Nintendo NES addict ^^


Nintendo NES addict ^^


Is the MT 999 a discrete clone, with separate CPU/PPU chips?  It's probably noise from a bad design, but if it has separate chips you might be able to try some of the suggestions in the AV mod thread:


820uF cap between PPU pins 20 and 40 was suggested as a possible fix there.


Mt999 is a NOAC.
First step - replace power board caps (before and after 7805 voltage regulator).
Second step - add a 220uF cap between board and video cinch (desolder cinch center pole from board, solder cap + side to board and - side to cinch center pole)