My Famicom/NES Setup

Started by Great Hierophant, July 30, 2015, 04:06:56 pm

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Great Hierophant

I decided to include a photo of my typical Famicom/NES setup.  I like to use my Famicom AV because of the second-to-none video quality it gives through AV cables.  The Everdrive is my first choice for flash carts except when it comes to games with expansion audio and those few games it won't play correctly.  That is where the PowerPak comes in.  I modded the pin adapter to allow it to work, but I have yet to add the resistors to mix the expansion audio from the cart with the internal audio.  I have Akumajou Densetsu and the FDS RAM Adapter and FDSStick, which has done a flawless job of playing FDS games. 

I bought the Famicom AV in 2003-2004.  The dogbone controller is from a NES top loader, I use it because the Famicom AV controller wires are shorter.   I modded my Famicom AV to work with the Zapper Light Gun, but nothing else. 

Post Merge: July 30, 2015, 04:11:20 pm

Quote from: Great Hierophant on July 30, 2015, 04:06:56 pm
I decided to include a photo of my typical Famicom/NES setup.  I like to use my Famicom AV because of the second-to-none video quality it gives through AV cables.  The Everdrive is my first choice for flash carts except when it comes to games with expansion audio and those few games it won't play correctly.  That is where the PowerPak comes in.  I modded the pin adapter to allow it to work, but I have yet to add the resistors to mix the expansion audio from the cart with the internal audio.  I have Akumajou Densetsu and the FDS RAM Adapter and FDSStick, which has done a flawless job of playing FDS games.  

I bought the Famicom AV new from in 2003-2004.  The dogbone controller is from a NES top loader, I use it because the Famicom AV controller wires are shorter.   I modded my Famicom AV to work with the Zapper Light Gun, but nothing else.  I tallied up the cost and everything in the picture cost less than $450, purchased over the years.
Check out my retro gaming and computing blog :


Here's my current setup. It's a AV modified 'bare-bones' Famicom with BASIC. This console is missing the power/reset stickers, controllers, eject lever, and dust flap. I will get a nice one eventually, it's just not that important to me right now. I only own a handful of games at the moment and just use this for programming.


Cool setups. :)

What type of stuff are you programming, Zmaster?

My setup is crammed into my toy room. I've got so much distracting stuff in there that a lot of people don't even notice the video games for a while. 8)
I don't have a handy photo at the moment, but I'll post one in here later.
Favorites: Castlevania, Metroid, Namco 18


Nice pictures, I might take a picture of my setup when I get home.

Great Hierophant, what mappers do the Powerpak support that the Everdrive doesn't? When I last compared the two they where about equal, one supporting a few the other doesn't and vice versa. But I know that there are several unofficial updates to it, and the Everdrive haven't had any mapper updates in a long while now.

Though if Kevtris' upcoming flashcart does all what it promises it will mop the floor with both the Powerpak and Everdrive.

Great Hierophant

Quote from: P on July 31, 2015, 01:31:52 am
Nice pictures, I might take a picture of my setup when I get home.

Great Hierophant, what mappers do the Powerpak support that the Everdrive doesn't? When I last compared the two they where about equal, one supporting a few the other doesn't and vice versa. But I know that there are several unofficial updates to it, and the Everdrive haven't had any mapper updates in a long while now.

Though if Kevtris' upcoming flashcart does all what it promises it will mop the floor with both the Powerpak and Everdrive.

See these two blog entries for a comprehensive overview :
Check out my retro gaming and computing blog :


Quote from: Zycrow on July 30, 2015, 09:04:34 pm
Cool setups. :)

What type of stuff are you programming, Zmaster?

My setup is crammed into my toy room. I've got so much distracting stuff in there that a lot of people don't even notice the video games for a while. 8)
I don't have a handy photo at the moment, but I'll post one in here later.

I'm programming game-related stuff. I want to be a game developer one day, and I'm starting with making simple concepts with BASIC. Why choose Famicom BASIC? First of all, I like how the programming, controls, and graphics are an all-in-one system. It's simple to use. Next, I like the BASIC language because you can do a lot with small lines of code. Lastly, using BASIC is good for disciplining yourself to make efficient programs. You only have 4086 bytes to use in V3, and every character you type counts.

Right now I'm finishing a function for a high-score table. It will rank a score entered onto the table and you can also save/load the high-score data to tape. P answered some questions I had concerning this program. Next I'm going to start playing with the built in sprites and come up with game ideas. I like the penguin and the car sprites the most and going to use them to brainstorm ideas.