Twin Famicom working with bootlegs?

Started by jensma, August 15, 2015, 02:57:16 am

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Hey there!

I was playing some (FC) bootlegs on my PAL NES lately. I got fed up by fiddling with the 60-to-72-pin adapter, so I snatched a Twin Famicom. Well - all the bootlegs won't start. Is this a common issue with bootlegs on the Twin Famicom? Is there a trick to start the games?

Any help would be nice :)


Do you have any original cart to check the slot? Maybe you just need some 600 grit sand paper to clean it.
I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy


Original carts are working fine.. so there's no general problem with bootleg carts on the Twin Famicom? That would be a relief, at last..  :pacman:


I sometimes have problems with some glob-top bootlegs  :redcart: on original famicom , try oldest bootlegs with normal IC's  they have to work normally like originals  :redcart: :)


I have only one (from over 150) pirate game card that doesn't negotiate with my Twin "The Beast" Famicom, but yes, it is very common that you have to slightly pull up cartridge from the slot, just a tiny little bit or two, and then fire up the console to make those really nasty/stubborn bootlegs to work, it's due to either "deeper" Twin Famicom slots (so you need to have a longer pins on cartridge to provide the connection) and/or shorter bootleg cartridge pins (once it's inserted all the way down, the pins on cartridge misses the ones at the slot connector).


Gonna try that this evening, thanks :)

@FAMICOM_87: They're mostly glob-tops, if I remeber correctly  :blinky:


I have tested probably around 1000 bootleg Famicom carts (mixed of globs and chips) on my Twin Famicom, and about 99% of them work.  The ones that don't work still "work", though the graphics are not correct.  I think it must be something with the machine.
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


August 17, 2015, 02:27:01 am #7 Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 02:21:26 am by jensma
Alright, since I'll dissemble the unit for an rgb mod in the near future I'll give the cartridge slot a good rub. Maybe it's corossive or something.

Edit: Pulling the cart up a little bit did the trick :)