WTB Twin Famicom JUNK

Started by hvc01, August 31, 2015, 06:56:02 pm

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Hi All,

I am chasing a junk twin famicom. All I need is the motherboard. I know is a long shot but I was hoping if someone comes across one. I am not really interested in anything but junk as I don't like gutting working machine. Preferably one with no controllers and no disk head or case  ;D

I know it is a long shot but...

Thanks a lot.




What is wrong with your current twin. It may be salvageable for a small cost. describe the problem. most problems with these systems I find easy to fix.


August 31, 2015, 08:36:15 pm #2 Last Edit: August 31, 2015, 08:41:39 pm by hvc01
Failed rgb mod. Lots of broken traces around ppu from desoldering. White screen.  :upsetroll: also i have confirmed all else works with another board I have. Attempt to repair all broken traces unsuccessful.

Post Merge: August 31, 2015, 08:41:39 pm

Pretty sure it's from pin 27 which is an address line a11 bu it ducks up and under the fds contoller chip and I cannot determine where it goes.


Im normally pretty good with fixing broken traces but its a pain to do and thats something I cant do cheap just because of the amount of time it takes. If it was like 5 traces that would be like an hours of work but this sounds as if you tore like 20 or more. Ill keep an eye out for you but I don't normally see many twin motherboards. Also if you are planing to RGB mod the new one I just wonder what are you using to desolder the ppu.


Soldering iron and solder sucker  :-X

Also i think I will not rgb mod anything in future. Small gain for a lot of my time and effort.

Thanks for your help nonetheless.


I have a turbo twin famicom board that is junk and i mean junk. As far as i know it can't be repaired because some of the traces on mine are completely gone. And it is only the mainboard no audio video board or fds. I am not sure if i want to get rid of it just yet but if i do decide to get rid of it i will not ask money for the board itself only for the shipping :)
I am back everyone :)


Well if you decide to bin it let me know. Thanks again.


i was just wondering are the boards different for the turbo twin and the normal twin?
I am back everyone :)


Good question. I just bought a turbo twin recently. I cannot imagine they would be different enough not to be interchangeable but I can let you know when I receive mine.