WTB: FC/SFC Games and Consoles [Mega Drive, PC Engine] (Ship to Australia)

Started by Arkanix38, September 16, 2015, 04:32:02 am

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Hi All!

I'm quite keen on picking up some more games to play on my Famicom/SFC. I live in Australia and prefer to buy from Japan (due to shipping costs) but will more than happily consider offers from elsewhere. I also don't care about boxed copies as I only collect games to play them and I have no room for boxes.

Consoles [cables not necessary]
- Sega Mega Drive 1 (Japanese) w/ controllers
- PC Engine w/ Controller

- Contra

Super Famicom
- Hagane
- Super Castlevania 4
- F-Zero

I'll also consider anything that's relatively fun to play that's not on this list, so if you have some carts spare send me a message and i'll see if i'm interested. I'm not a fan of pirate carts. I love platformers and RPGs (the latter especially on the SFC) and if I don't have it, chances are I'll happily buy it!





I have Rockman looking for $50 Australian bucks plus postage.

Post Merge: September 25, 2015, 11:45:41 pm

I also have Rockman 5 looking for $25 Australian bucks plus postage.

Post Merge: September 25, 2015, 11:47:08 pm

I also have super contra looking for $35 Australian bucks plus postage.

Post Merge: September 25, 2015, 11:48:15 pm

I think I have a spare Kirby and Rockman 2 but not sure on pricing for those. MMAO



Tetris on Famicom (BPS Tetris) never had two players, IIRC, and neither does the licensed Nintendo release.  If you want two-player Tetris, you'll have to go with Tengen's version, but it was never officially released on Famicom **

I have several (pirate) Tengen Tetris carts for Famicom.  If you would like one of these, it's yours for only $10 ($5 + $5 shipping cost to Australia)

**Some Tengen games were officially released by Tengen for the Korean market, but thus far Tetris hasn't been discovered to be one of them.
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!




That's why i specified the PAL NES, so I wouldn't get offers for the NTSC cart. I am aware of the compatibility issues. Also thanks fcgamer! I wasn't aware that Tengen didn't release in Japan.


Check out Tetris +Bombliss, that is the most fun you'll have with VS play I'm sure.  :-*






Edited: Still looking for SNES Dragon Quest games especially
