Gimmick! NES Sound Channels

Started by Triple Dash, October 25, 2015, 05:10:36 pm

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Triple Dash

Recently picked up an original copy of Gimmick! to play on my NES via a Gyromite Converter (am not proud of how much I spent).

I knew there would be sound issues ahead of time, but I was told by a couple people after I received it that I could fix the issues those extra Famicom chips present by adding an extra Resistor to Pins 3&9 on the NES's motherboard and was recommended to follow these instructions:

Is the above true or would I have to also mod my Gyromite Converter as well? Should I not take the risk and just make the full upgrade to a regular Famicom?

I wanted to ask you Famicom experts before I tired to mod anything. Nice to meet you all BTW, I don't have a large Famicom collection but it's picking up.  :)


If the end console you were going to use was an NES, why didn't you save yourself a ton of cash and buy an InfiniteNesLives repro? Those do have full expansion audio and are in NES format.

Yes, a modification is required for your NES and your Gyromite adapter. You'd have to connect Famicom slot pin 46 to NES edge pin 54.

Triple Dash

Am not into repros personally nor does the sound bother me that much. Repros take the fun out of collecting and discovering hidden gems IMO, not that I'm foolish enough to blow $700+ on something like the Flintstones. "shrugs"

Was planning to upgrade to a Famicom eventually as it's significantly cheaper than going with NES carts but if I can save a couple bucks through modding I thought it'd be worth looking into. Thanks for the advice.  :)