unlicensed Gameboy games on GC Gameboy player

Started by prince tomato, October 27, 2015, 07:51:53 am

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prince tomato


i recently expanded my collection of unlicensed games into the portable realm,
although i never play anything on the go.
instead i prefer to play everything on my B&O MX7000 crt screen.
so, i use a Japanese Supergameboy II for some GB and compatible GBC games, en the Gamecube Gameboyplayer on Color only games.
works a treat, in most cases.
there are some hickups though, most notably:

-gc gameboyplayer lags, and i hate the gc controller, can't afford the hori gameboy controller, and the wii-snes adapter quadruples the lag to unplayable levels.
also, some unlicensed games won't work.

-supergameboy II will not play Color only games, and refuses to play some other unlicensed games too.

i recently picked up an Action Replay II to use with the Supergameboy which shpuld allow me to play some of the Gowin/Hotkid titles,
but i was wondering if anybody here has any tips for a more convenient set-up that will work with unlicensed GB and GBC games,
a nice clone with AV out or a consolized GB/GBC compatible set-top machine or something?
any hints are more than welcome.


Quote from: prince tomato on October 27, 2015, 07:51:53 am
-gc gameboyplayer lags, and i hate the gc controller, can't afford the hori gameboy controller

The solution to this is to buy a cheap GBA SP and the GBA-GC controller adapter for a total of $20. It's not shit, it's familiar, and there's no increased lag.

prince tomato

Thanks, that will solve a big part of the issue,
Are there any other compatibility issues to watch out for when playing unlicensed games on hardware like this?


None, the GBplayer is a full GBA using the Gamecube for I/O. If it works on a GBA it'll do on the GBplayer


Exceptions include the GBA movies that for licensing reasons are made to detect the GBAplayer and won't work.

I also expect games like Boktai would be hard to play on it. On the other hand there are GBA games with extra features when played on a GBA player. Like Mario & Luigi using the rumble feature to detect hidden items.


Also Kirby Tilt n' Tumble. I mean, you CAN play it, I just know why you'd want to do it on a Gamecube