Fuuun Shaolin Ken with 3D System

Started by fredJ, November 30, 2015, 10:56:20 am

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Fuuun Shaolin Ken (or Fūun Shōrin Ken: Ankoku no Maō) has 3D System support, but how do I activate it?
I've tried the normal pressing Select and tried some diffent things in the menu.
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").
blog: http://japanspel.blogspot.com


I thought the boxes for games that have 3D support had a logo or mentioned it on the box.  All the images I can find for Fūun Shōrin Ken: Ankoku no Maō don't seem to mention it...


I've wondered why Ankoku no Maō should even have 3D support, it's not trying to even be faux-3D like every other game that has it. But the game is reported (on Wikipedia and various Japanese sites) as to support the 3D glasses. However, I'm now starting to doubt if that has just been a huge misunderstanding.

I found this page. It shows off the manual (or the flyer) for the game, which has a "3D action scene" image and instructions on how to build your own 3D glasses with colored cellophane. It could be possible that somewhere years ago this was mentioned on a Japanese review of the game, and somebody mistranslated it as the game itself having 3D support. And then it just spiraled from there.

But I'm just guessing and theorizing here.


The manual has a picture of 3D glasses (but it also has the game code wrong, JFD-SAN instead of JFD-SAM)
There is some text about 3D on a different frame maybe someone can translate.

Thank you for your help...
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").
blog: http://japanspel.blogspot.com


Ok, so according to the picture above. once you have everything set up, (aka 3D system is plugged in etc) hold A while pressing start to start the game in 3D mode. :)


Quote from: kiwidaveinjapan on December 05, 2015, 02:58:31 am
Ok, so according to the picture above. once you have everything set up, (aka 3D system is plugged in etc) hold A while pressing start to start the game in 3D mode. :)

Thank you very much, it works!
The effect is that you see a depth in the background... Maybe there are other things if you keep on playing.
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").
blog: http://japanspel.blogspot.com


Look like my BA in Japanese Language and Culture is finally paying off!  ;D

Being here in Japan 5 years probably helps.... ;)


Nice one, KiwiDave! Didn't even know this one supported 3D Glasses - I'll have to try it out