dumping to the cartritge

Started by famicom guy, December 03, 2015, 09:26:23 am

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famicom guy

How i can redump a rom to the cartritge again  :redcart:


You can't redump or rewrite a Famicom cartridge, their ROM chips are permanently read only.

You can however replace the ROM chips with EPROMs containing the game you want to play though.


You use a EPROM-burner and then you simply burn the files onto that EPROM and then you have to solder them back to the circuit board and then you would be able to play it. It is quite easy but it does requires soldering and such things.

famicom guy



You won't be able to reflash those - thy're 'glob tops' and the information is all glued and set in those blobs, so there are no chips to desolder, so you can't add EEPROMs to them sadly.
My for Sale / Trade thread


But you always can use edge connector, just add some prototype perfboard on top  ::)
I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy

famicom guy

Did somebody knows a tutorial for edge connector or eproms


He just meant reusing the edge connector part of the boards for your own boards. You would have to solder all edge connector pins to your own board that you make.

famicom guy

What is a edge conector and how i extract a game from emulator to the edge conector



It's not exactly that simple - have a read of this though and it might make things clearer:
My for Sale / Trade thread


Edge connector is the part of the carts with the golden pins that you stick into your Famicom.

80sFREAK suggested you to reuse it since it's something that can't be bought in stores normally (unlike everything else on a cart).

famicom guy

lets see... i need reuse the edge connector on the cartritge if i not store the game curretly?


I would suggest just buying a repro from someone to be honest.  This isn't something you'll pick up in a day.



I'd agree, if you're lost at this point it isn't going to work.  It's complicated and requires quite a bit of skill and knowledge - you can get repros for cheap these days as well.
My for Sale / Trade thread


hey hey famicom guy.

Don't stop!

Don't just think about money and making any kind of profits. Just do it because you can enjoy the process. Sometimes results aren't the main things we're being focused on.

Give it a try. There're a plenty of tutorials on the internets. Here goes a link to my favourite one: http://callanbrown.com/index.php/advanced-mmc3-nes-reproduction.