
Started by Mi5terDNA, December 12, 2015, 05:51:11 pm

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December 12, 2015, 05:51:11 pm Last Edit: February 16, 2018, 08:50:40 am by Mi5terDNA


Does your TV not have AV inputs on the back? I noticed a couple years ago that new flat screen TV's don't have AV jacks, or you have to share the green component jack with the yellow AV video jack. I also find it crazy how S-video is no longer made on TVs!!!!

When using a Famicom on a HD TV, there might be lag. Always use the Game Mode setting. You may also have to adjust the color settings. When I played Super Mario Bros on the HD TV, the sky was purple instead of blue. I had to go into advanced settings to find an option to use the native colors or something like that.


Have you considered the rgb mod + micomsoft framemeister combo?


This might work... use a HDMI or Component DVD or Blu-Ray player that has AV jacks on the back? Some of these players can kinda upscale the image, so this might make your TV recognize the signal.


Looks like your tv can't do 240 and wont even double it which would make it 480.

You can get a composite to hdmi and it should work but wont look that great on a hdtv,even if the console worked just fine without a converter it would still look very choppy.

Great Hierophant

I have a Vizio 4K flat panel I bought last year and it does not support any 240p consoles.  If I wanted to use my AV Famicom, I would need a NESRGB + Framemeister or a Hi-Def NES Mod.
Check out my retro gaming and computing blog : http://nerdlypleasures.blogspot.com/


You could use a video scaler to upscale the 240P to 480P. Key Digital makes some nice units.


Quote from: FAMICOM_87 on December 18, 2015, 09:23:52 am
you can make yourself an RF coaxial cable https://www.google.bg/search?q=coaxial+cable&client=opera&hs=Gq0&channel=suggest&tbm=isch&prmd=ivnsp&ei=_z90VuSMIcqAywPQy46YAg&start=20&sa=N
with shield the singnal is vary good :)

Indeed. My wife "forced" me to buy a new TV and the only way I could even attempt to connect my FC was via coaxial (Thank god that I saved that PVM from Sony),...Unless you are living in a household where you need to be "wary" I would really recommend you to go to Craigslist or similar to get a cheap CRT instead.  :-[


I am glad that  I can help  :D

I aways using shielded coax cables when I must go with the RF on  consoles  it is no meter is the console is Atari 2600 or Play Station 2 ;D 8) Yes ones we has to connect PS2 via RF because we where playing on old TV set from 1984  :crazy: and the picture was good :P