S-Video on an AV Famicom naturally (or require a mod)

Started by g_block, February 02, 2016, 08:11:51 pm

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Dumb question, but I figured I'd ask before spending money on a S-Video cord.

Can an AV Famicom use s-video out of the box or does it require modding?




Quote from: Pikkon on February 02, 2016, 09:49:25 pm
You would have to rgb mod it to gain s-video.

What he said.

The Famicom's PPU chip doesn't output naturally, so you would need to get a RGB capable chip that can also output s-video. These chips sell for a couple hundred bucks if you really want it done.

The rare Sharp Famicom Titler does output s-video right out of the system though.


thanks guys. at least if I spend the money on RGBing it down the road but dont have a framemeister, I can s-video lol

but I'll probably just wait for BB's HDMI NES if I was gonna go that route.


Quote from: zmaster18 on February 03, 2016, 05:20:32 am
What he said.

The Famicom's PPU chip doesn't output naturally, so you would need to get a RGB capable chip that can also output s-video. These chips sell for a couple hundred bucks if you really want it done.

The rare Sharp Famicom Titler does output s-video right out of the system though.

Correction, nowadays everyone uses the NESRGB board, which is an adapter for the standard Famicom composite PPU. It's the only way to get s-video or component out of a Famicom.


Quote from: HVC-Man on February 03, 2016, 09:09:15 am
It's the only way to get s-video or component out of a Famicom.

Well technically you can get S-video or component out of the PC-10 PPU by adding a video encoder circuit, but the NESRGB is a far superior method so messing around with the PC-10 PPU isn't worth it.