help wanted: repair revive rare gbc carts

Started by prince tomato, May 23, 2016, 03:28:59 am

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prince tomato

hello again,
i have some problems with some gbc carts i have.
these are unlicensed carts, of games i am pretty eager to play,
but they won't boot.
i really want these to work again, because they are dear to me.

the "Go! Go! Go! Pokemon" game booted once or twice after
thorough cleaning, and then stopped working.
the others never got past the logo check screen.

the Waixing cart displays a nice Waixing logo, then black screen,

the green GBA style cart and the other 2 carts mess up at the logo check screen.

i tried these on gb pocket, gb color, and gba, cleaned contacts and edge connectors, and reflowed some of the solder joints.
that is about as far as my skills go.
maybe someone here is willing to take a look,
and possibly reflash and replace a chip or two?
i am willing to pay for this ofcourse, and pay for shipping both ways.
also, i have tons of stuff for trade, original hardware, unlicensed games, you name it.