Kira Kira Star Night DX First PV released. (EDIT: New 8 bit music power boards!)

Started by ImATrackMan, May 24, 2016, 12:39:41 am

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June 07, 2016, 12:44:23 am #75 Last Edit: June 07, 2016, 01:07:56 am by ImATrackMan
Boards are completely finished, already shipped, already in the US, and they SHOULD be here by Wednesday afternoon.

I ordered some EEPROMS a couple days back, but the seller hasn't shipped them yet, so actually testing them will have to wait for a little bit. Anyway, if you want a board, don't hesitate to ask. I'll be keeping a few for myself and a friend, so in the event I get no extras, 16 are available.


EDIT: And two are gone! At least 14 are available.


Hey Track,

what are you charging per board? Can you PM me some info?


Alright, so they got here and I did some fitment testing since I STILL don't have the EEPROMs. There's one minor issue, and one issue that may be more serious than I'd like it to be.

The hole fit is quite loose, but the shell holds the board in place without much play, and it doesn't really feel any more loose than a "real" cartridge, so I wouldn't really say it's a big deal.

The REAL issue is the length of the cart connectors. I blame CC and myself for this mistake;  CC for making this design decision, and me for trusting them. The length of the connector is actually slightly longer than the one on many official boards, but the issue is this: the placement of the holes pulls it up by a FULL 1mm. The CC board is manufactured in such a way that the pin reaches all the way to the bottom of the connector, so this isn't a problem, but our boards barely make contact with the FC's connector and probably won't reach clones that have the contact points further down. Hopefully I haven't annoyed jensma enough that he's not willing to extend the connector a bit.  :-[

I also blame myself for ordering 20...


Alright, these should be the final boards! Longer connector, comfortable contact with all pins, proper hole size, everything else unmodified so the chip spacing is the same and the fit is perfect. Two supports need to be removed from the rear shell, but that's no real issue. Does $4+shipping sound good? Anyone else want one?

EDIT: Second two images are new.
Final results are in, the boards are a total success and work completely fine.

If you want one, PM your address, a frequently-checked email, and a form of proof you own the cart so I can send you the split ROM. At last count, there are 8 taken with 13 available (one extra).