Another question about an IPS

Started by Fisher, August 14, 2016, 06:18:01 am

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Hello. First of all, a little disclaimer, since I don't want any trouble with Nindendo/moderators/whatever:

I'm not sure if it's fine to discuss repro making here, but since I'll not ask how to do it or any ROM file I think it's OK. ;)
I ask the moderators that if it's not fine, please delete this thread and drop me a PM.
If it's no the right section, please move this to the appropriated place.
The repro I'm planning to do is for my own learning purposes and private use only.
I know a PowerPak or EverDrive is the easiest solution, but it's expensive too.
Expecially because I live in Brazil, the shipping is kind of expansive and the taxes are all crazy!! :'(

I'm planning to do a Recca repro.
I've heard of a hacked ROM that has the Sega vs Nintendo opening set as default, but could not find neither the ROM nor the patch.
I know a Gamegenie code for this does exists, but start button needs to be held down on boot for that screen to show up.
I think this should be a simple hack to make this opening default, maybe just changing a few bytes on the ROM, but I just don't have the knowledge to do this.
Can someonte please help?
Thanks in advance!! ;D


What's the Game Genie code?


This is the Gamegenie code:


I know It can be injected on the ROM.
AFAIK it's impossible to use a single regular Gamegenie to input this code, since it has 4 lines.
This would require at least 2 real Gamegenies.


August 14, 2016, 10:37:00 am #3 Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 10:56:41 am by UglyJoe
Ah, yeah, I found it and already hacked it in.  Had to add a bit more to it, actually, since when you activate it the game will never proceed to the title screen.

Are you using Recca or Recca Pure?

Post Merge: August 14, 2016, 10:56:41 am

Here it is:

Just five bytes that get changed.  You can apply this to Recca or on top of Recca Pure.


Thanks!! ;)
Gotta flash and test!!
I'm willing to make my 2 test boards permanent.
I just don't know if it's a good idea...  8)


Finally I was able to test on real hardware, and I found a bug.
If you press start to skip straight to the title the game freezes.
Can it be fixed?
Thanks in advance.