Zelda Side A working, but Side B Error 27

Started by Bennyboo, August 15, 2016, 12:42:48 am

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Alright guys, I'm hours of research is into this already,. I'm awaiting new FDS games in the mail to be 100% sure, but decided to make the thread while I wait, and hopefully I can actually give a solid explanation for someone in the future. Zelda was working perfectly, decided to clear the old saves and make a new one, cleared them, tried to make the new save, and got an error 27. Reset to title, flip to B and its an instant Err27. Side A loading easily, B non functional. Fast forward through the research and here's what I've done; Cleaned read head, replaced belt, re-calibrated spindle (and I know I have this right, this is not my issue at this point), and adjusted motor speed. Side A will load into the title perfectly well. Side B is error 27 after loading screen without fail. I don't want to mess with head calibration. I'll mess it up, the spindle was bad enough, but I can still try replacing the felt pad. Anyway guys, this is the best forum for this anywhere, and I need just a little more  :help: I feel like I've done most there is to do, but the white text of ERR 27 is haunting my dreams and without more games to test with I just don't know how to really know its not a dead system or something so I can go ahead and buy a new one, or maybe a new TwinFC instead. Or if it's my Zelda Disk, and I can still return it before the 30 days are up on Ebay. It really sucks since that's the only one I wanted to play really anyway. Thanks guys,  let me know what you think.


Well since error 27 is CRC error it could just mean that side B is corrupted or damaged. Testing more disks won't hurt though.


Yeah, I'd imagine it is a disk issue since side A is reading. Maybe something in the drive scratched the disk during the erasing/saving procedure? Have you spun the disk to see if you can notice any abrasions?


Yeah, I couldn't see any blemishes or scratches, I just assumed it corrupted the disk trying to load. My new disks will be in later this week so we'll see. I feel a little better about it though, I was really worried it was the system.


Yeah if it was the system you would probably get a block error or something, not just a CRC error.

When clearing the save files, you used the in game file kill mode right?


Yes, kill mode, wiped the saves, started a new file named link and it 27'd while saving


Don't name the first file "LINK", it causes some kind of cheat that makes items disappear and stuff. Use your own name (or pick file 2 or 3 if you really want to name a file "LINK"). Anyway that shouldn't corrupt the disk though.


New games came in, def corrupted Side B. Only the Zelda and one other didn't work, Err 27/24. Feel better about it, system is good.


Good for you. :) I wonder what corrupted the disk side though. I guess it could be any number of things that happened.


Yeah, it is weird, writing a save file corrupted. oh well. anyone buying dead disks?