FS/FT/FO: Russian unlicensed Famicom games, A.Chudov

Started by prince tomato, August 20, 2016, 03:36:14 am

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prince tomato

August 20, 2016, 03:36:14 am Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 01:49:36 am by prince tomato
hello again folks,
today i am offering some niche-within a niche items,
up for grabs are some Aleksandr Chudov games,

-1x Puteshestvie po Evrope,  (travel through Europe)
read more about it on Fcgamer's blog:

-1x Pole Chudes 2

-Redaktor Tekstov (3 word games on 1 cart, for keybaord clones, or Famicom with Family Basic keyboard)

-2x Sklad 18 (Warehouse Boy)

and multople copies of 2 educational carts for keyboard clones with all kinds of software on them, one is a Russian version of the BBK/Subor cartridge, the other is a Magistr cart,
both work on various keyboard clones i tested them on.
(one of each ON HOLD)



i got some of these from a very helpful friend in Russia,
and these are my duplicates that i would like to share.
no clue of their value, if any, but they are not the most common carts around.
personally, i find the Russian chapter of unlicensed clones and games very interesting, and they form a seperate section of my collection,
if any of you are interested in any of these, please feel free to make me an offer, or suggest a trade.

i also have some boxed 16 bit Mega Drive keyboard clones, and loose sets of different software carts for these.
very interesting stuff, full of spoken audio and animation you would not expect from the humble mega drive.
pm me if you would like to know more.

prince tomato