a Famicom/FDS compendium (discussion on if it's possible)

Started by g_block, August 28, 2016, 04:53:52 am

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So, we all have seen the NES books that have been coming down the pipeline/already out.

Just curious if it's possible (or if anyone has heard/saw anything) on if one for our beloved Japanese NES older brother, the Famicom :question:

Or does the community even think it's possible with the sheer amount of games that's out there (over 1,000 right :question:).



I think there's two books about the games on the Famicom: Family Computer 1983-1994 and Fami-Complete. Family Computer 1983-1994 even has interviews with game developers, and is partially in English.


It's definitely possible, I am working on the very thing right now!

I'm about 1/2 way through it (now I am mainly just doing things like graphics, pictures, scans, etc).  Will include sections on Famicom, FDS, some interesting hardware stuff, unlicensed games, noteworthy bootlegs, interviews with programmers, old adverts, etc.  I hope by the end of the year to be about 70 or 80% done, and then to lauch a kickstarter campaign.

I know that some others have discussed projects of this sort from time to time, but I honestly feel that mine will become the definitive Famicom resource, once released.  Due to my passion towards the NES's big brother, I have just done so much research on both licensed and unlicensed stuff.  I sort of see this book as the penultimate project in regards to my collecting.
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!





That sounds like an insta pre-order Dave, can't wait to hear more!
My for Sale / Trade thread


Wow. This is amazing! It will definitely help a lot of people out. Good luck! :D


Yeah, this book is going to be massive.  It might have to be released in volumes, I'm not sure.  But I hope to be able to post some sample pics in a month or so, and I can promise everyone that this book will be an amazing resource.
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!



Three volumes seem like a good # (2 for licensed Famicom games since there's over 1000 and one for FDS/Key bootlegs/accessories)



I might be in the minority because I would prefer one mammoth book actually - one definite ultimate compendium.  Maybe that could be a hardcover slipcase though for those that wanted it.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Quote from: L___E___T on August 31, 2016, 04:12:09 am

I might be in the minority because I would prefer one mammoth book actually - one definite ultimate compendium.  Maybe that could be a hardcover slipcase though for those that wanted it.

Hmm, now that's an idea. 

Due to shear size, it will have to be volumes, but I hope to sell it together as a set, not 1 by 1.

Post Merge: August 31, 2016, 05:34:25 am

Also, I hope to release some sample pics in the upcoming week or two, as this is definitely concrete and not just some dream of mine.  I have referenced this for ages, but things have been coming together with it this year.
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!




Sounds amazing and an insta-preorder from me my friend.  Any pricing in mind for all three versions?  Ballpark?
My for Sale / Trade thread


Quote from: L___E___T on August 31, 2016, 05:54:58 am

Sounds amazing and an insta-preorder from me my friend.  Any pricing in mind for all three versions?  Ballpark?

Again, I wish I knew.  I can only imagine that this thing will be expensive though, to print, as I am not willing to jeopardize quality (i.e. color pages and extensive information) due to cost.  When things get closer to completion, I will try to find an option that is a middle ground, i.e. more affordable (hopefully sub 3 digits) but also nice quality. 

In a worse case, I will also have a cheaper b/w version and a cheaper download version. But this isn't my desire.

Post Merge: August 31, 2016, 06:42:03 am

Also, I intend to include a short section of personal reflections about the Famicom, in my project.  I think this is very important to do, as with so many things, people just see money with video games and forget the original purpose.  So eventually I'll PM some of the regulars here to give some story to me about how you got involved with Famicom, etc, but I won't do that until much later ;) 
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!



Quote from: fcgamer on August 31, 2016, 06:34:30 am
Also, I intend to include a short section of personal reflections about the Famicom, in my project.  I think this is very important to do, as with so many things, people just see money with video games and forget the original purpose.

This is the type of thing that makes me automatically want to buy a Famicom book. Can't wait until it gets released!


Quote from: fcgamer on August 31, 2016, 06:34:30 am
Quote from: L___E___T on August 31, 2016, 05:54:58 am

Sounds amazing and an insta-preorder from me my friend.  Any pricing in mind for all three versions?  Ballpark?

Again, I wish I knew.  I can only imagine that this thing will be expensive though, to print, as I am not willing to jeopardize quality (i.e. color pages and extensive information) due to cost.  When things get closer to completion, I will try to find an option that is a middle ground, i.e. more affordable (hopefully sub 3 digits) but also nice quality. 

In a worse case, I will also have a cheaper b/w version and a cheaper download version. But this isn't my desire.

Post Merge: August 31, 2016, 06:42:03 am

Also, I intend to include a short section of personal reflections about the Famicom, in my project.  I think this is very important to do, as with so many things, people just see money with video games and forget the original purpose.  So eventually I'll PM some of the regulars here to give some story to me about how you got involved with Famicom, etc, but I won't do that until much later ;) 

If it's going to be as big and as thourough (spelling?) as you say it is. In full color under $100 would probably be a good mark to shoot for for a full set if possible (even in hq paperback). Hopefully you can find some happy medium for a hardback in that price range because this sounds like a project that needs it  :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: