Family BASIC

Started by Doc, July 30, 2006, 12:09:48 am

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Quote from: vealchop on May 08, 2007, 11:49:14 amZING!:

I've got this one, and another one that looks quite much like this one. But they're both complete with tapes for the basic data recorder. They're pretty cool IMO. I'm wondering they usually go for when they include the tapes...


Did you win that exact one? I hate you! lol I wanted that so badly but was outbid at the last second!


No no no! Not the one in the auction. I got mine from elsewhere.


Ah...mind sharing its contents with us?


I've got one of those, all revisions along with the tester/internal release carts [capability units].


awesome! know anywhere that I could learn BASIC to use this by chance? :D


Try googling "basic programming" there's plenty of results.



I think scanning the manual and this guide would be very good!

So if someone has one of those documents, please scan it, so someone else who can read japanese could translate it.  :)

I definately would, but unfortunately with my Family Basic there was no manual included...  :-\


Indeed. I have the manuel, but its huge. I am unsure if it would even fit on my scannerbed.


is it bigger as DinA4? (if this norm means something for you  ;) )


its 29.5 x 21 cm. It just barely fits in my scanner bed. If someone will be willing to edit traslate it, I'll add it to the project. But due to the considerable work, I wont do it unless someone promises to translate it in english first.


great! ;)

what about an extra thread to announce this project?


I see you guys are playing with family basic

I am trying to figure out how to access the graphics mode 

on all other dialecs of basic I know this would be  screen 2   eg

10 screen 2
and then you will be able to do stuff like
20 circle (50,50),25,2

but it does not like the screen command
so if any of you guys know please let me know..

btw I am playing with the pirate version of famicom basic..

got my old trusty spectravideo 328 manual   just about everything works from there except the screen statement!

anyways here is a list of the error codes and what they mean I see this is the same as SVbasic
eg SN?

code  Explanation
NF      Next without For
SN     Syntax Error
RG     Return without Gosub
OD     Out of Data
FC     Illegal function call
OV    Math Overflow
OM   Out of Memory
UL    Undefined Line                      eg  goto 10  but there is no 10
BS    Subscript out of range          think arrays
DD  Redimensioned array           a static array has been defined but handled like a dynamic one
/0     Division by zero
ID   Illegal Direct                             
TM Type Mismatched
OS out of string space
LS string Constant to Long
ST  String Formula to Complex
CN Cant Continue
UF  function not defined

I see the sound generator works on the famicom

eg 10 Play "CDE"

it supports Octave eg

10 Play "o1CDE"   

does not support tempo
does not support Length
does not support shape
does not support Tone

supports REST eg
R = rest  numeric following gives time of rest
10 play "CR1DR10C"

Supposts VOLUME eg


unable to play multiple tones at the same time (maybe it uses a different syntax )

hmmm anyways if someone can give me the graphics mode command I will type up a few lists of test progs for the basic interpreter.. if anyone  is interested..


Family Basic doesn't have graphics modes.  Background graphics are printed onto the screen the same exact way text is printed onto the screen.  They are predefined 8x8 tiles and nothing more. 

There are some special commands regarding sprites, but I haven't gotten them all figured out.  I have a sample program for showing off the sprites here:


Thanks UglyJoe  that is pointing me in the right direction now I can go play a-bit

hmm all I need to figure out is how to save with this famiclone?!

wish i could hook up a tape drive be like my old spectravideo all over again

kind of make sense the sprites on the famicom no need for psets and all that jazz

just funny how the famicom does it

usually I would do sprites like this

10 SCREEN 1                                   REM No Screen on the famicom!
20 FOR T = 1 TO 8                           REM 8 data lines
30 READ a$
40 S$=S$ +CHR$(VAL("&B" + A$"))
60 SPRITE$(1) = S$
70 PUT SPRITE 0,(128,96),8,1: GOTO 70
100 DATA 00011000
110 DATA 00111100
120 DATA 01111110
130 DATA 01111110
100 DATA 01111110
110 DATA 01111110
120 DATA 00111100
130 DATA 00011000

anyways this would have given a round ball on the screen

now got to wrap my head around this family basic

thanks again for the info!