Moon Crystal vs. Sailor Moon Crystal?

Started by siyah beyaz, September 06, 2016, 02:53:37 am

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siyah beyaz


i am bahadir, Which is Moon Crystal and Sailor Moon Crystal Differences (video game vs anime). :bomb: :cherry: :help: :mario: :octorok: :pacman: :pow: :star: :question: :bub: :-[ :gamer:
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Moon Crystal is a Famicom video game released in 1992.

Sailor Moon Crystal is a 2014 anime remake of a 1992 anime series.

The two things are not related at all.

Jedi Master Baiter

But it is kinda funny. ;D

It reminds me when I was trying to look up information for Star Voyager, only to keep getting results for Star Trek Voyager. ;D

I didn't know about using quotation marks back then. :(


Amusing that they have such similar titles, but they have nothing at all to do with each other. They're not even remotely similar in terms of their characters, plots, styles, or themes.