What do you want to know about Sunsoft?

Started by Gazimaluke, September 10, 2016, 03:15:10 am

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Quote from: aitsu124 on September 20, 2016, 06:51:26 am
What was Atlantis no Nazo like during development?

Sadly I have no contact with anyone involved in the development of Atlantis no Nazo or any of the earliest Famicom-games.


October 01, 2016, 04:11:33 am #16 Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 09:16:13 pm by Gazimaluke
I will not be releasing any of my research this year. I will make a video about it instead. It will be in the wain of my Swedish NES documentary Dokument NES.
I will be getting help with editing from another swedish game video maker.  The video will be finished in 2017 and be about 80-90 minutes long. We will have both swedish and english narration. The title will be "Document Sunsoft: The history of Sunsoft"(swedish Dokument Sunsoft: Historien om Sunsoft).


I have decided to go with only English narration to make it easier to make and well everyone in Sweden who is going to see it understand English.

This year will be spent finishing the script and gathering all the image and video material needed. The script is about 26 pages long right now. Some stuff are going to be cut since its not for my podcast anymore and tangent like that wont fit into this videos since it will be irrelevant.