Super Mario Bros without barcode

Started by bad@chaos, September 15, 2016, 02:40:11 pm

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I recently bought a CIB Famicom Super Mario Brothers online. When it arrived I found that the back of the box didn't have a barcode on. I did some image searches and couldn't fine anything that looked like mine. Is the box I have an uncommon varient? -Because I know some of the really early boxes didn't have barcodes. OR is this box a fake? I'll try to get some images up when I get home from work.
Thanks in advance.


Some photos would be interesting and could help us to tell you if it's real or fake :)



September 16, 2016, 01:26:51 am #3 Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 01:38:20 am by L___E___T

It's definitely not fake, the original print were non-barcode, but they're not rare per se.  The reprint version includes barcode, and FF logo on the front and spine among other changes.

It's in very nice condition though, you should be pleased!  The thing to remember is that this is one of the top selling games on the Famicom, millions were made.

So they're not rare to find without a barcode (might be rarer with a barcode) but are hard to find in good condition, especially this earlier print.
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