Fixing a broken GBC screen?

Started by tonev, October 01, 2016, 02:42:40 pm

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I was trying to replace a broken shell of and old rusty gameboy color and after i removed the screen from the lens it stopped  working for some reason and it is showing only weird lines. Any ideas what might have happened and how to fix it or i shout trow the screen in the trash...
I am back everyone :)


does it show those lines when any game is running? does it produce correct sound?

if there's a ribbon cable for the screen then you might probably must check it at first. also check the connection between the screen and motherboard for sure.

the last question. do the lines change if you press slightly at the screen itself?


I have tested the screen on multiple boards so it is not the gbc board it is the screen. I have checked the connections and they all seem fine. It does it with or without game inserted in the cartridge slot.
I am back everyone :)


 :'( fixing a broken screen could just be practically impossible. it's like doing precise brain surgery at home.


On the DMG I heard it's possible to fix lines by heating the connectors with a solder iron, but I don't know if it works on a GBC.


Quote from: P on October 03, 2016, 03:47:35 pm
On the DMG I heard it's possible to fix lines by heating the connectors with a solder iron, but I don't know if it works on a GBC.



the screen of a GBC is very different from the one on the DMG . The screen is more similar to the one one in GBA.
I am back everyone :)