Disk System Belt: Replacement and Care

Started by Jollie, August 21, 2007, 01:08:08 pm

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I bought a drivebelt on ebay today....

jfgoods777 listed a few after I sent him a question if he still had them in stock..... not the best deal I guess (22usd with shipping to Sweden).... but worth to have one spare....I ¨recently bought a twin famicom...and I think it´s always good to have a spare belt...

about storage.... I think you should keep it in a cool dry place (as everything else) :P
I guess you could use chalk or something on a dry belt before you change it.... to soften it up.....thats my guess anyway.....
Sorry for the broken english guys :P


I just bought a FDS and it needs a new belt, does anyone know the length of the belt. And if anyone has any alternative ideas instead of a belt,(maybe some kind of band or something) please share with us because this is starting to be frustrating. thanks alot.


I'd think it's best to track on down one eBay or Yahoo! Japan auctions. Seems no one here has any. I've got five coming, two of which I'm gonna use right away, but it'll be a few weeks.


When I was putting mine in I kept thinking I was going to break it.  ::)

That would have sucked. 20 dollars for a rubberband that breaks :(


Um...is jfgoods and his belt replacement guide gone? I'm seeing the domain for sale: http://www.jfgoods.net/disksystem.html


It looks like he still sells on ebay as jfgoods777. Maybe he can point you in the direction of his new domain or share the info with you to post here.

EDIT: His new site (info from ebay seller's page) is here:  http://jfgoods.sakura.ne.jp



i know they say a fds belt last 5 years but dose that mean a belt that is off a system has a self life of more than 10 years with out the stress? also would a silicon belt be a good replacement as long as you found on that was the same size i think it last a lot longer :-\

Trium Shockwave

When they give that estimate, they're making some kind of calculation of what they think "average use" is. Really, it's an assumption. The FDS drive is only spinning (and only powered) when the RAM adapter is actively reading or writing to it. How long the belt lasts will depend on what kind of games you play, and how much you use the FDS. If you amuse yourself by going up and down the elevators in Metroid, forcing it to load each time, you'll shorten the belt's life  ;) Storage conditions matter too. If it lives in your living room, it's probably fine, but if it's stashed in a basement or attic that will work against the belt.


I swear I remember someone getting the exact dimensions of a belt so they could just go into a store and ask for a belt that size.

I don't know if it was here or Digital Press, but I think you would have a hard time finding a store that makes belts for electronics, what with magnetic media long gone.


Quote from: Tupin on March 17, 2009, 10:11:29 am
but I think you would have a hard time finding a store that makes belts for electronics, what with magnetic media long gone.

Fortunately, where I live that is not correct. My preferred electronics store sells replacement belts of all shapes and sizes, made by an Argentinian company called ElectroGoma.


I guess you could always go to a place that repairs vacuum cleaners and just say it's for a really small vacuum.  :D



From digitpress: http://www.digitpress.com/forum/showpost.php?p=364440&postcount=93
Quote...I took some measurements on the belt and it seems that what is needed is a flat (not round or square) belt-sometimes called ribbon instead of flat. I believe it was just shy of 1mm (.040") thick and it was 2mm (.080") wide. it had an inside diameter of 9 1/8 inches. Since it might be a bit streched, it may have originally been 9 inches...can't confirm this until my belt dies and I replace it though, heh heh.

I seem to recall somebody mentioning it was a very strange size and that they'd have to be custom made.


My FDS drives came with a square belt and a 'solder washer' to adapt them to the bigger motor spindle, and they work just fine.