My very own GameCenter CX ripoff

Started by Protoman, November 18, 2016, 02:57:13 pm

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I've done let's plays many times before but this time its an hour long, with segments. Although there's no live camera on me or a speaker voice running through the whole thing, it's still pretty much exactly modeled after GameCenter CX, a show I love.


November 19, 2016, 11:03:29 am #1 Last Edit: November 19, 2016, 11:17:23 am by P
I really enjoyed this video, I'll share some of my experience with this game.

First thing, I don't think Arthur and Princess Prinprin went to hell/demon world, they was just having a date in uh a graveyard in the middle of the night when Satan came and kidnapped her. Then Arthur have to travel to the demon world in order to save her. That's my interpretation anyway.

The weapons seems to all do the same amount of damage, and most enemies can only take one hit anyway so the best weapons are usually the fastest weapons like the sword/dagger. The axe is quite good too though, but it doesn't work well on the Big Men (goblins that throws maces) because it's taking too much time to pass through the enemy. And of course the cross/shield is needed for the final boss although it's slow and have a short range.

The floating platform in stage 1 after the Red Arremer isn't hard at all if you jump on the first or second try. It shouldn't ever move back too early.

And here is my (almost) surefire way to beat stage 2:

The Beginning
Climb up as high as you can get on the ice platforms and kill any enemies that comes near. When you are up there, go forward until you reach the end of the last platform. Don't jump yet, wait a short while and let the Blue Killer appear in the window and fly forward a bit, now is the time to jump. Jumping will land you on the floating platform that goes up and down and you won't touch the Blue Killer. You are missing an armor by going the upper route but you probably don't need it this early anyway. The Blue Killers appears in a set pattern so they are predictable.

The Village
Just go forward and as soon as a Puchi Devil appears from a window, duck and shoot until it's dead. They always fly near the ground at first then fly up. You should be able to get past without getting hit this way. They always spawn in a set pattern so they are predictable. This part is probably harder in the Famicom version because more enemies spawn here, and it's possibly more randomness to it (I don't remember).

The Mansion
From my experience you can't kill the last Big Man on the right side of the building early (unless you go back after he has spawned but that takes too much time). You will have to wait until he goes far enough away from the ladder before you start climbing down. His patrolling pattern is random and if you are unlucky this will take too much time off your timer, but I know no other way to get past besides sacrificing your armor. The blue Crows are probably the most annoying thing on this part, but at least they appear regularly so they are somewhat predictable.

The Floating Platforms
The red Crows always flies as the crows flies. In other words the fly in a bee line to the position you where when they were activated so they are very predictable, just fast.
For the floating platforms, you can just drop down on the next platform without jumping if it's bellow the one you are standing on. Keep doing this and then run and jump from the last platform when it's high enough. As long as you still have time on the timer this part really isn't very hard.

The Boss
The trick is to walk carefully so that you only activate one of the two Unicorns, and that should work most of the time unless you are very unlucky. Fighting them one at a time is as easy as in the first level. Just shoot and try to time in your jumps with his jumps so you hit him in the air as well. Avoid getting stomped. He won't shoot projectiles too often so it's normally enough to just be prepared to duck whenever he shoots. Rarely he shoots a low beam though, so you will have to jump over that one.

That concludes stage 2. The only really random things are the final Big Man and the boss.

Not a surfire way to beat stage 3 at all:
This is one of the hardest stages in the game. Maybe even the hardest after the final stage.

The Beginning
Stay low to avoid the bats. Be prepared that the Tower Monsters may shoot both high and low at the same time so you will need a well timed jump if they do. The random Zombies are the worst things of this part though.

The Cave of Red Arremer 1
The first Red Arremer is really hard, I haven't found out a surefire way to win against him (I'm wondering if any Red Arremer has a surefire way to win against in this game). I avoid climbing though as that makes it possible for him to to swoop you from bellow. If he lands and runs back and forth, shoot as fast as you can and he won't try to dodge.

The Cave of Red Arremer 2
As soon as he activates, just flee down the slope that you came from and he will despawn. Easy! The Woody Pigs are your worst enemy here. They spawn randomly in the arcade version but I think they spawn according to a set pattern in the Famicom version. There's an armor up the the left here if jump near a wall with a ladder (armors only appear if you are in your boxers). The easiest route from here is the low one I think.

The Cave of Red Arremer 3
Going the lower route, the next demon will be sitting in a small pit. Just drop down in front of him and shoot like crazy without moving or jumping. From my experience he won't take off by doing this and he will die from your shots right away every time. If only every Red Arremer was this easy.

The Cave of Red Arremer 4
This one is very hard. It sits on a rock just before the big jump. If anyone can find a good way to beat this one I'd be happy to hear it. I just use my normal strategy by shooting like crazy and doing backwards jump and shoot at the same time if he swoops me. When he swoops and when he is walking back and forth on the ground are about the only time you can hit him, this goes for all Red Arremers. One more thing, watch out for the Puchi Demon that appears from a spot close to the Red Arremers resting spot. It can eassily kill you even after you have taken care of the Red Arremer.

The Cave of Red Arremer 5
The final one before the boss. I have no good strategy here either. The same as above applies. This time it's even harder because you have your back against a wall.

The Boss
OK the Dragon. I haven't figured out a good way to beat him either. If I beat him it's usually because I get lucky that he stays high so I can pass under him.

Level 4:

The Floating Platforms
I'm not sure why it's hard to jump to them sometimes, but it seems you just needs very good timing to do it. Never jump to a lower platform. Always aim for the higher or same level ones. If you fall down you might have to go back a bit and jump to lower platforms first in order to get up higher.

After that, I have no more good tips as I seldom make it longer than level 4. I'd be glad if you (or anyone) could add some strategies from your experience with playing the game, or improve the ones I have.


Quote from: P on November 19, 2016, 11:03:29 am
The floating platform in stage 1 after the Red Arremer isn't hard at all if you jump on the first or second try. It shouldn't ever move back too early.

Ok, except it does go back too early, like 75% of times for me (only in arcade version.) I have to get on it as it heads back to make it, or as I did in the video. If I stand on the edge and jump anticipating it like normal, it goes back prematurely most of the time.

Personally I would really like to know why I was up against two ogres per floor in the last stage when most LPs I see of the game, there's only one. Is that because they're all playing on easy mode? also the problem of not shooting fast enough, I know its not me pressing fast, because pressing fast actually works worse. I wonder if it's something I'm doing wrong of it its that I haven't got the right rhythm in.

Stage 1 and stage 4 were the easiest, at least after I got he hang of the platforms in stage 4.
Stage 2 takes a long time to work, but it is possible. Stage 3's second part, the first two areemers I think you have to fight but the one thats sitting still you can activate then run back and he's gone. Then go the top route and go down the ladder to hopefully escape that areemer that comes at you there, then if you're lucky you can outrun the other one sitting and once you're down on the level near the dragon you only have to fight one more before the boss.

I still kick myself over that one time when I did have a chance at the ogres in stage 6 but I had forgotten to trigger the invisible areemer and jump down, glitching him out of existence. I could have made it another floor if I did that.


Quote from: Protoman on November 19, 2016, 01:54:46 pm
Quote from: P on November 19, 2016, 11:03:29 am
The floating platform in stage 1 after the Red Arremer isn't hard at all if you jump on the first or second try. It shouldn't ever move back too early.

Ok, except it does go back too early, like 75% of times for me (only in arcade version.) I have to get on it as it heads back to make it, or as I did in the video. If I stand on the edge and jump anticipating it like normal, it goes back prematurely most of the time.

Hmm maybe you are right. I never had a problem with it though. I guess you just have to be patient and don't jump until it has crossed at least half the river already.

QuotePersonally I would really like to know why I was up against two ogres per floor in the last stage when most LPs I see of the game, there's only one. Is that because they're all playing on easy mode? also the problem of not shooting fast enough, I know its not me pressing fast, because pressing fast actually works worse. I wonder if it's something I'm doing wrong of it its that I haven't got the right rhythm in.

I guess they are playing Easy Mode. I guess you can't touch the DIP switches on the Virtual Console version to change difficulty?
About rapid firing, I just press as fast as I can. It works well on Mame but not as good on the real arcade machine. Maybe you need to press at a constant rhythm but still not too slow?

QuoteStage 1 and stage 4 were the easiest, at least after I got he hang of the platforms in stage 4.
Stage 2 takes a long time to work, but it is possible.

Yeah I'd say they goes like this from easiest to hardest:
Stage 1
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 3
Stage 6

Stage 4 is only harder than stage 1 due to the Red Arremers and the bridge. Stage 3 is the next hardest due to it seemingly being the capital of Red Arremers! Stage 6 has everything that makes the game hard, and lots of it!

QuoteStage 3's second part, the first two areemers I think you have to fight but the one thats sitting still you can activate then run back and he's gone. Then go the top route and go down the ladder to hopefully escape that areemer that comes at you there, then if you're lucky you can outrun the other one sitting and once you're down on the level near the dragon you only have to fight one more before the boss.

Did I get them wrong in my little guide? I was pretty sure that it's the second one that you can despawn by running back down the slope headfirst.
Trying to outrun the other ones sounds crazy, but I guess I could try it next time. Would be nice to find a way to works 90%+ of the time. Red Arremers are just too unpredictable.


Quote from: P on November 19, 2016, 05:00:12 pm
Did I get them wrong in my little guide? I was pretty sure that it's the second one that you can despawn by running back down the slope headfirst.

No I'm sure you got it right, I wasn't sure about my own recollection


OK I played the game a bit yesterday and my recollections of the Red Arramers was correct.

I found a way to get rid of the third Red Arramer too! You can just retreat back to the slope and go down there again after activating him. This will make him despawn just like the second one. It probably works with the third one as well, but since you can defeat him very easilly by just dropping down in front of him and shooting there's really no need to AFAIK.
The only problem by doing this is that you will have to face the anoying Woody Pigs again, and there's also Puchi Demons that may follow you and spawn from nowhere.

Anyway this means there are only two Red Arramers in stage 3 that you will have to face fair and square (the first one and the last one). Also I begin to think there's a good way to deal with any Red Arremer, but I haven't figured out exactly how to do it everytime.

BTW I played on Easy mode in Mame so it's possible my strategy doesn't work on other difficulty settings.


Quote from: P on November 21, 2016, 12:35:44 am
BTW I played on Easy mode in Mame so it's possible my strategy doesn't work on other difficulty settings.

Did you get to stage 6? If so can you confirm there are only 1 ogre per level there?


No I don't think I have ever gotten to stage 6 on Easy mode (only on NES but not on arcade or Famicom version). I only just recently discovered how to continue in the arcade version in Mame so I have been playing from the beginning every time I die (like in the Famicom version) all this time.