List of top 10/top games for the Famicom Disk System

Started by LordRayken, November 28, 2016, 04:40:26 am

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Hi guys,

I'm new and just decided to get into Famicom Disk System games. I was told you're the experts here  ;D

I was looking all over, but there doesn't seem to be a TOP or best of genre game list anywhere. Aside from a few classics, I'm not sure what games are worth playing and what games aren't.

Any help would be appreciated! I did try to search for "top" in the forums but didn't find any posts.

Thanks guys!


November 28, 2016, 07:23:44 am #1 Last Edit: December 07, 2016, 07:49:55 am by aitsu124
It's hard to rank them, and I'm often partial to platformers, but here's mine:

1. Tonkachi Mario
2. Super Mario Bros. 2J
3. All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros.
4. Zeruda no Densetsu: The Hyrule Fantasy
5. Kaettekita Mario Bros.
6. The Legend of Zelda 2: Rinku no Bouken
7. Palutena no Kagami
8. Akumajou Dracula
9. Metroid
10. Vs. Excitebike (port of Vs. Excitebike that also includes many other features such as a more user-friendly track editor that saves)
Increasing source of obscure Japanese information...and interface.



I would definitely chuck the original FDS Akumajou Dracula in there somewhere :)
My for Sale / Trade thread


So it looks like just Mario and Zelda then  :P

What about the Samurai game I hear so much about that's apparently really hard?



Thank you Joe! That link has even more links in it, and they all loos like they're full of awesome information.



I'd say Green Beret and the JP version of Jackal (the name escapes me at the moment) are the heavy hitters in addition to Akumajou.

That is, unless you're looking for cool FDS-exclusive stuff. Then everyone else has you covered.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


November 29, 2016, 02:56:12 pm #7 Last Edit: November 30, 2016, 02:36:11 pm by LordRayken
Definitely looking for the cool FDS exclusive stuff, or the stuff that was enhanced on the FDS, like Zelda and Metroid.

I wonder if there's been a list compiled of all the good FDS exclusives. I see a lot of mixed up responses with random games here.  ???

Post Merge: November 30, 2016, 02:35:32 pm

I took the time today to go through all the threads linked plus the suggestions here and made a little list.

I'm not sure how accurate is or how good these games are, but they're the ones that looked like top games for the system to me.

TOP Famicom Disk System Games:

Famicom Disk System EXCLUSIVES           Famicom Disk System ENHANCED
Tonkachi Mario                                            Zeruda no Densetsu: The Hyrule Fantasy
Super Mario Bros 2 Japanese                     The Legend of Zelda 2: Rinku no Bouken
All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros                              Palutena no Kagami
Doki Doki Panic                                                                         Metroid
Kaettekita Mario Bros.                                                        Ice Climber
Knight Move                                                                          Vs. Excitebike
Otocky                                                                               Akumajou Dracula
Ai Senshi Nicol   
Air Challenger Kick Foot   
Arumana no Kiseki   
Nazo no Murasame Jo   
3D Hot Rally   
Bio-Miracle Bokutte Upa   
Gall Force - Eternal Story   
Super Lode Runner I   
Super Lode Runnder II   
Yokai Yashiki   
Monty no Doki Doki Daisassou   
Esper Dream   
Meikyuu Jiin Dababa   
Moero TwinBee: Cinnamon-hakase o Sukue!   
Famicom Grand Prix: F-1 Race   
Welcome to New Clu Clu Land   
Halley Wars   
Yu Maze   
Hero of Babel Matou no Houkai   
KiKi KaiKai   
Fire Bam   


Thank you for tanking the time to compile this list!  It puts FDS ownership into perspective.  I count 38 games- and understand that perhaps ten are crucial to play or at some cost, own. 


So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


Most of those forum threads only lists games that doesn't have too much Japanese. But since you have no such restrictions on a toplist I would also like to add Famicom Tantei Kurabu: Kieta Koukeisha and Famicom Tantei Kurabu Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo to the exclusive list (and probably other adventure games but I haven't played them enough to decide what to add).

I'd also like to add Eggerland Souzou e no Tabidachi to FDS exclusive list for it's construction mode, and Dracula II: Noroi no Fuuin to the enhanced list since it's using the FDS expansion sound channel, and it's quite fun.


Quote from: L___E___T on November 28, 2016, 11:14:52 am

I would definitely chuck the original FDS Akumajou Dracula in there somewhere :)

Yeah, for some reason that slipped my mind. With that said, I'd rank it #8.

Also, I should warn you about the FDS Metroid. Though I do like it and it sounds better, it has the longest loading times of any FDS game I've played. Plus, while it saves, it doesn't save your location, which can be extremely frustrating. So I recommend to stick to the NES version depending on your patience and how long your play sessions are.

And I see you put Clu Clu Land: Welcome to New Clu Clu Land on the exclusive list. It was actually yet another Vs. System port, as it's a slightly modified (in the sense that the first puzzle is slightly different and things like that) Vs. Clu Clu Land.
Increasing source of obscure Japanese information...and interface.


I'll try to edit it or refine it.

It was my understanding that Dracula 2 is just Simon's Quest, and that's not a very good NES game, so I wasn't sure if I should add it.

To answer the true top 10 games thing, I was only looking for games any speaker can play. I am sure there are more good games on the FDS that haven't been listed that English speakers can play, but I couldn't find much else in those threads.


I think Dracula II is a fine action RPG. The Japanese version doesn't contain as many false hints as Simon's Quest (although a few still exists) as most of them was the result of a rushed translation (no ducks on graveyards). Also the FDS expansion enhanced music is very good.

I see, Since you included Esper Dream I thought any game was fine, but I see now that Esper Dream has a fan-translation. With the emergence of FDSStick and similar devices people can enjoy the many translations without having to rewrite disks. Hopefully someone will translate the two Famicom Tantei Club games someday.