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Kyle Reese Vs Solid Snake.

Started by Atariboy, August 25, 2007, 11:14:33 am

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August 25, 2007, 11:14:33 am Last Edit: August 25, 2007, 11:23:58 am by Atariboy

I been knowing this from day one as I got my first Metal Gear game for the NES later on the MSX2 I always wonder where did I seen this image on the box cover of Solid Snake will now anyone wanted to know heres the proof of my discovery (note this maybe old news to some of you true fans but bare with me for anyone else dont know) on the left side is the post-production movie still of actor Michael Beihn as Kyle Reese on the set of 1984 The Termaintor and on the right is a scan image of Soild Snake on the NES box game of Metal Gear. And now you know.


Ah cool. I had seen that before. I didn't realize that the dude/pic was from Terminator, but now that I think of it, it seems right. I haven't seen that flick in a long time.


Now that you say it.
I guess I must watch Terminator again.

Jedi Master Baiter

I always thought that Michael Biehn should've played Snake had there been a Metal Gear movie, then when I saw the Wikipedia comments, I was astounded.  Capcom pulled something like this with Commando also.  But I forgot what it was taken from.


Snake Plisken from the Escape from films, anyone?

i think that Hideo wants the dude who played Aragon in the LotR films to play Snake in the upcoming Metal Gear Movie

Har the cat

Yes he's got about the same voice as in metal gear solid.
Quite cool! :)
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