Zelda Planning Sheets

Started by P, January 02, 2017, 05:20:22 am

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Nintendo revealed some more BG Planning Sheets (they revealed some earlier here)

You can see both a score and a timer, I guess it was from a time when the game was supposed to be more linear (no overworld).

Jedi Master Baiter

I wish I was this organized when planning my games. :D It doesn't even look like Miyamoto uses grid paper! :o

Could we generate our own bg planning sheet based off Nintendo's :-\ Haha. ;D


January 02, 2017, 02:41:30 pm #2 Last Edit: January 02, 2017, 03:04:07 pm by P
They did exactly that on Nesdev here and here (this one by Justburn).

I actually used one of these to draw some enemies for a game I've been planning since forever. :-[ I should really use them more.

Edit: An interesting thing about the older sheets is that the game was initially just called "Adventure" and seems to have been planned to be based on Journey to the West.
There's also some enemies that didn't made it, like the haniwa- and doguu-based characters. And there seems to be a first-person view screen that also didn't make it.

All symetric sprites, like hearts and bottles, are only drawed one half. Since sprites can be flipped they can save memory that way and just use a second instance of the sprite for the right-most part and flip it horizontally.
