£500 paypal ready 4 JY 45 in 1 multi-cart featuring full version of Mario World

Started by betamaxizhuge, January 06, 2017, 10:29:05 am

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prince tomato

thanks Famifan,
i know you are a lot more versed and skilled in these matters,
so i value your input, and i am a little reassured by your conclusion.
so, do you think there is anything in general that can be done to increase the lifespan of globtop carts?
because no matter what the culprit is, i have about 15 dead pcb's of globtop carts already, and i would really hate to add Final Fight 3 to that one day.
the thought alone makes me sick.


Playing the globtop games on famiclone hardware rather than using them on official hardware is probably advisable if your worried about the wear and tear of the glob-top, it seems the glob tops get burned out worse with official hardware, I know very little about electronics but I'm guessing the lower voltage running thru the famiclone is sure to sustain the lifetime of a globtop, rather than wearing it out with the high voltage points of the official hardware everytime it's switched on, pirated games tend to work better and also last a lot longer when used with pirated systems, that's a pattern I seem to have noticed over the last couple of decades using various pirated systems and globtops / pirated cartridges - I've noticed though Final Fight 3 despite being a glob-top seems to be built very very well and will last a decent amount of time, glob tops are under estimated and are probably more durable than they look, I honestly don't think there is reason to worry about the life span of these it's the EPROMs you need to worry about according to popular belief lol (15 years life time apparently)


nah globs last longer than that under good conditions, look at all the atari protos being found that still run
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