WTB - Commons, I think?

Started by Rick, March 07, 2017, 07:22:34 pm

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March 07, 2017, 07:22:34 pm Last Edit: May 10, 2017, 08:54:32 pm by Rick
Hi, everyone!

So I'm interested in increasing my Famicom game collection a smidge, but I'm kind of stuck on a tight budget due to my financial situation and stupid adult responsibilities, so I'm (hoping) that there's some cheap ones and common ones in this list that people might be wanting to get rid of!

Truthfully outside of here, I only know of eBay, Amazon, and occasionally anime cons for this sort of stuff (and you know they overprice the crap out of this stuff at cons sometimes. >>;) I'd also, if at all possible, like to get as much at once as possible rather than pay lots of different people, to keep the shipping costs down. I may be picky-choosy, so I do apologize! I also like the label sticker to be fairly free of unfixable wear (rips, bad fading, other irreversible damage), but I can fix some things.

So with that being said, here's things from my want list that have been sorted out into the "I think it's fairly inexpensive!" pile. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

Akumajou Dracula: Boku Dracula-kun!
Crazy Climber
Gekitotsu Yonku Battle
The Monitor Puzzle: Kineko - Kinetic Connection I + II
Monty no Doki Doki Daisassou
Paaman - Enban wo Torikaese!
Quest of Ki
Utsurun Desu
Valkyrie no Bouken: Toki no Kagi Densetsu

Thank you very much for bearing with me here!  

EDIT 5/3/17
Removed Flipull  and Higemaru, added Crazy Climber!

Edit 5/10/17
Removed Spartan X2 discovering it goes for way more than initially thought. o.o;;


Updated the list a bit! Took a couple of games off and added one.