Famicom Basic [T+Eng]

Started by azaza1, July 16, 2017, 03:20:32 am

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Does anybody translated a rom?
Many games was translated from japanese, maybe it is better to translate this rom first?


I started translating it a long time ago, but I lost my files. It was a lot more text than I thought, most of the text is in the fortune telling.

Also English text takes a lot more space than Japanese and my rudimentary ROM hacking skills wasn't enough to give me more space. The ROM is using most of the 32 kB PRG-ROM allowed by the NROM board type. It may require a mapper hack to fit in everything.

V3 hardly needs a translation, and I rather not mess with it because changing the ROM may make existing BASIC programs potentially work differently on it (if they read the parts of the ROM that was changed for example). The only Japanese is the message that appears when you type SYSTEM, the message that appears if you boot without a keyboard, and some Japanese in the sample games (that you can edit yourself and save to a tape).