[REPRODUCTION] FS Famicom METAL FORCE Complete reissue Korean rare game

Started by GKill, February 14, 2018, 01:19:05 am

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We have a reissue cart of famous and rare Korean game METAL FORCE for Famicom. Complete condition!
Everything was redone very accurate and with perfect quality!

Price is $99, shipping $5 Worldwide regular
Payment by PayPal

Here is "reproduction" information added to box cover and manual:

Also open for reasonable offers.
Very limited quantity!!!


Some additional tech info: the game is on real 156 mapper on CPLD hardware.

So, it's not a regular repro, where you just replacing a memory chip and boom - new game! :) METAL FORCE is not that game where you can do such trick. It requires much more work with hardware and only possible on absolutely new components, including PCB

And again: if someone wants the cart and thinks the price is too high, feel free to make offers.


sorry my english.


If only I had any money at the moment... :p
This looks pretty great, considering the fact how rarely I see it on Ebay and alike.




I added "[REPRODUCTION]" to the thread title, since, as fancy as this is, it is not a legitimate release.  The term "reissue" can very much imply that this is an officially-sanctioned release, which it is not in any way.


There are MMC3 hacks of this game floating around. Going to sell mine, soon.




My for Sale / Trade thread


I'd assume that's the MMC3 port, but I have no idea as I never had my hands on that cart.

Perhaps someone who has it can open it and check it? :D


If there is any common mapper version of this game like MMC3 then it's a complete shame it has never been shared publicly, this would make the production easier and lower the costs significantly... If anyone can obtain the MMC3 cart then I'm sure it can be dumped easily by anyone familiar with this stuff, I can also do this easily if anyone can share and send the cart to me


Jedi Master Baiter

Aww man. :( I'd be interested if the whole manual weren't in Korean. ???

The board looks very professional, by the way. ;)