[WTB] RGB Cable for NES FRA

Started by mt777, September 14, 2018, 10:30:39 am

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Maybe does someone have original Nintendo RGB cable for the french version of this console?
Drive with retro stuff (FC/NES/PC): https://drive.vtgpc.com/index.php/s/eboVo1epusJADNZ


September 14, 2018, 11:54:26 am #1 Last Edit: September 14, 2018, 12:52:51 pm by L___E___T

Hi, I read that the French NES actually doesn't output real RGB but rather uses a composite to RGB internally.
According to these guys, who do extensive analysis: http://retrorgb.com/frenchrgbconsoles.html

Are you looking for an official Nintendo-made NES RGB cable?  I have never seen one and a google search also brought up no hope :(
If I've misunderstood and you're after best RGB cable for a modded NES, I would always recommend these guys: https://www.retrogamingcables.co.uk/nintendo

[ UPDATE ] I found another page showing the cable - also confirming it's not real RGB in case that affects anything:

And I find a store offering them - grab here:

Then you could always mod the NES after to get that true RGB, or HDMI, or whatever else you want!
My for Sale / Trade thread


I know that it is not a real RGB from PPU. It doesn't matter - just want the original cable  :)
Drive with retro stuff (FC/NES/PC): https://drive.vtgpc.com/index.php/s/eboVo1epusJADNZ



Looked like that site had at least two in stock - but I couldn't find any others looking online.  Hope you can grab one!
My for Sale / Trade thread