Repro FDS disks?

Started by boye, June 03, 2019, 10:38:48 am

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Has anyone made or will make repro FDS disks?
Can't find the FDSLoadr PC program? Get it here. It took me way too long to find.


June 04, 2019, 10:14:07 am #1 Last Edit: June 05, 2019, 01:52:33 am by P
Since FDS piracy was big in Hong Kong and probably Taiwan since it was so easy to import Famicoms and disk systems, there are lots of non-Nintendo-made FDS disks out there. But I don't know if any such company still are making FDS disks.

Quick Disks was always an obscure format, even for home computers like MSX and Sharp MZ. Nintendo's FDS was the biggest usage of the format. Although I believe common 3.5" disks are still in production, QDs still being in production is hard to think. If they are, the production must be very small. It's not something you can make at home.


Here's hoping a retrogaming company makes new QDs for the FDS!
Can't find the FDSLoadr PC program? Get it here. It took me way too long to find.