When did you get your Famicom?

Started by Doc, July 30, 2006, 12:25:26 am

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Profeta Yoshitake

My first real Famicom was bought in 2004.
Before that, in 1989 we already had our Dynavision II
kicking at home, a nice Brazilian Famiclone from Dynacom.
Now Playing: Dragon Ball Fusions, Yggdra Union


i got my first famicom in 2006. but recently i bought another famicom with a disk system on ebay. and of course the disk system needed a new belt. I got a a refund for a new belt, replaced it and it worked perfectly on the first try. I only have two games, Mario 2, doki doki panic.


I don't have a Famicom  :'(. I've been playing all my FC games on my NES 2. When I have money I'll get a Twin Famicom though.



I got my first famiclone and famicom in 2007 and got a Twin in early 2008.


September 06, 2008, 06:21:40 pm #50 Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 12:13:46 pm by wentle85
I just got my first one, a red Twin, about a month ago. Just a new addiction.


I got it awhile ago time I joined around the time I joined this place. Damn Kirby is so damn awesome. (especially in japanese that I can't read so i'm all like O.o at the mini games)


Got mine yesterday at Super Potato (Osaka)!  ;D


I got my first Famicom from ebay, it came in broken and that was back in 2005.
I quit caring about famicom until early 2007 when I bought 2 more Famicom's.
One of which I fried with a NES power cord, the other works fine.


I guess I got mine a little over a year ago. What I really need is a teleporter that takes me to Super Potato... it is a place I've often seen in my dreams.


Just got an AV Famicom around the first of the month. Got it with Rockman 1 through 6 :O


Wow, are all of them this young? Or are they not the first ones? I got mine in 1993

I thought they were extinct and you couldn't get consoles or games anywhere anymore. Good to hear they are still around.

Quote from: The Ancient on May 16, 2007, 03:34:35 pm

2) Can I open my controller and clean the inside?

My dad did that sometime because the controllers weren't working properly, it didn't make things any worse, but it wasn't better either. I have done the same later and there's nothing complex there. So I believe you can, don't trust me though.


I've cleaned the rubber domes and the carbon pads with isopropyl alcohol (and the rest with soap & water) and besides the like-new look it really helps when your controllers are so dirty that you have to mash the button in order for it to register, unless the carbon is almost gone or the rubber dome is so worn out that there's a big hole thru it.


I recently bought a Sharp Twin Famicom on Ebay from AndyArcade  ;D Cant read a single bit of Japanese but I'm hoping it wont be too much of a problem as theres so many action type games available for the Famicom that text isnt required. Have about 10 games at the moment but I'm always on the look out for more.
My own Retro gaming YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Lorfarius


Quote from: 133MHz on October 20, 2008, 11:43:32 am
I've cleaned the rubber domes and the carbon pads with isopropyl alcohol (and the rest with soap & water) and besides the like-new look it really helps when your controllers are so dirty that you have to mash the button in order for it to register, unless the carbon is almost gone or the rubber dome is so worn out that there's a big hole thru it.

As I have discovered, it you have a broken A, B, D pad or Start and Select; you can use parts from a NES controller. The inner parts are exactly the same in a NES controller as a original Famicom controller.