When did you get your Famicom?

Started by Doc, July 30, 2006, 12:25:26 am

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I got mine in July 2005. I got a pirated system in December 2004.


I got mine a while back, but I'm expected my first pirated system to arrive soon in the mail. It's coming with some cool pirates. (I'll post pics of the carts when they get here.)


I got my first Famicom system in 2004, but I got a Sharp Twin Famicom  for free from a friend of my wife's family in Japan in 2002.



I didn't try the disc system part yet, I'm sure that won't work because of a defective belt.
But it plays carts flawlessly.

It was free, yes.  ;D A good friend of my wife's family (in Japan) said he doesn't use it any more and gave it to me, together with a bunch of games for several systems. Good that he knew I'm into games. :D
I have photos of it. Once I resized them I may post some.


I think you should try the disc side out, just in case. :D A lot of Disk system games were awesome!


And if I remember correctly, those disk belts aren't too expensive and relatively easy to replace.


Yeah, it ought to be very easy. There was a site that explained how you do it, I forgot the URL though.


I had those page bookmarked on a PC in Japan and forgot to save that bookmarks.
It shouldn't be too hard to change that belt. I'll give it a try some time soon.


Quote from: manuel on August 27, 2006, 03:53:48 pm
I had those page bookmarked on a PC in Japan and forgot to save that bookmarks.
It shouldn't be too hard to change that belt. I'll give it a try some time soon.

Maybe even do a write-up for the site? I'm sure many visitors will want to know. Full credits to you, of course. :D


Not only do the belts not last long, i dont even think the disks do.
I head they erase themselfs.
I got mine around xmas last year, i got it for $10 at a flea market with a pirate game, but the system is made by Nintendo, the real thing not a pirate.

My cousin is teaching English in Japan so she told me she will be on the look out for Famicom stuff for me ;D
Also known as Pineapplehead.
Australian Retro gamer.


I envy your cousin.
I also want to go to Japan and teach German there (I guess they won't let me teach English, because it's not my mother language).

Should I come around to change the belt in my Disc System I'd happily do a write-up with pics and stuff. But unfortunately I can't tell when.
I will be very busy the next months with my master's thesis and preparing for 3 oral exams. :-X


Yeah, I know. School is tough. So is teaching...:P

The Ancient

May 16, 2007, 03:34:35 pm #14 Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 04:12:38 pm by The Ancient
I'm glad I came to this board because I fell in love with my Famicom.

I just got it today via mail and rip the box open and I saw my Famicom and I got 2 free games which one of them I don't understand.

But I got few question:

1) Since my Famicom is yellow stain (you know when your system get old overtime) is there a way to clean it?

2) Can I open my controller and clean the inside?


3) The controller wire is so small! I can;t play it from my chair in the lving room  >:(

Edit: I think both of my game is pirated :-)

here's the image of it, sorry for bad camera quality because my camera phone sucks lol.

<- Chip and Dale (looks pirated) No copyright.

<- Back of Chip and Dale. Dunno what the B is for.

<- Ninja game that I can't understand.

<- Back of Ninja game.