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Life After Death

Started by MarioMania, November 16, 2007, 12:28:38 pm

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I just want to ask people here about it..Do you beleave in Ghosts..Can they chose to be earthbound or go though the Light..Is that just made up, I been watching like Ghost Hunters & A Haunting


When I was much younger, I went to a weekend camp that was held at a church. During the night I woke up to what seemed like someone walking up a flight of stairs. They walked up to me, stood there for a few seconds, then turned and walked through a wall and disapeared.

As for whether you stay or go, I believe you dont nescesarily know you are gone, and you have to accept that you are before you can cross.


I've seen ghosts before especially when I stayed over at my ex gf's place. I think once you die you are reborn again in a hospital but of course with no memories of your past life just feelings. If you aren't reborn then you will be a ghost wondering around for eternity.
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It would be nice, but unfortunately I'm leaning more toward nothing. I think life after death is a man made idea to help us cope with the infinity that is dying.


Quote from: MaxXimus on November 16, 2007, 12:41:39 pm
When I was much younger, I went to a weekend camp that was held at a church. During the night I woke up to what seemed like someone walking up a flight of stairs. They walked up to me, stood there for a few seconds, then turned and walked through a wall and disapeared.

As for whether you stay or go, I believe you dont nescesarily know you are gone, and you have to accept that you are before you can cross.

I want to see a ghost for my self..but at the same time, I would be scared as hell


It was quite frightening. On a similor note, I also had an out of body experience.


I don't believe in religion or god at all, I think it is a great set of morals for people to follow but nothing more.  I do think ghosts or being may exist cause I have seen some strange stuff that I haven't been able to explain before.  I used to be part of a Ghost Hunting society a few years ago and we would go investigate places, similar to what TAPS does on Sci Fi.


Quote from: MaxXimus on November 16, 2007, 02:59:38 pm
It was quite frightening. On a similor note, I also had an out of body experience.

my mother had an out of body experience. It freaked her out!
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I believe that there's another plane of existence, where demons and angels lie.  I don't believe that the spirits of people or pets or whatever remain behind, though.  I believe that there are paranormal activities out there, but I don't think they're the result of ghosts (in the traditional sense of the term).


My interpretation of early spiritual history is that humans *perceived* phenomena they could not explain, usually because of a lack of education, and made up stories to explain how or why the phenomena occurred.

(I'm not talking about ghosts and the like; those, imo, are spawned by hallucinations, or minor interruptions in the normal functioning of the brain's processes, or even misinterpretations of this-worldly phenomena.)

This is my favorite example: In Israel, some archeologists have come across what they believe to be the original Sodom and Gomorrah. Those two "cities" are among the places where the world's (Judeo-Christian) religious understanding was shaped. At the site where the two "cities" are presumed to have been, scientists have noticed a very unusual phenomenon: the ground collapses. And not like your normal sink hole, because nothing sinks. Instead, it is as if there are large covered caves underground and the covering (the ceiling of dirt and rock) collapses. So, when you try to look into one of these holes all you see is black. These holes are deep and vast. They have explained why this happens. Much of the soil is interspersed with swaths of salt. When it rains, the salt is diluted and seeped further into the earth, creating empty pockets where the salt used to be. Then, the ground atop these pockets weakens over time and collapses. Now imagine this: You live in Sodom and Gomorrah long ago, in the BC's. You have your little mud hut or whatever on top of one of these ceilings of dirt and rock. While you're just beyond the home tending to your work, the ceiling of dirt and rock collapses, not only sucking your home into a deep black hole but also your wife and kids. When you walk up to the hole you see nothing, but you hear the faint screams for help from your family somewhere deep in that hole. You don't have the know-how to create any contraption to rescue them. Tell me: What would you think? In my estimation, someone in that situation, including the village's spiritual leaders, might begin developing the religious concept we call Hell.

Building on misinterpretations of phenomena like this, you eventually get more philosophical explanations, and thus, life after death and the rest of it.

(BTW: I believe extraterrestrials exist...but maybe that's for a different thread.)


I don't "believe" in ghosts, nor do I "believe" they don't exist. I know they don't exist.


Quote from: vealchop on November 16, 2007, 02:29:48 pm
It would be nice, but unfortunately I'm leaning more toward nothing. I think life after death is a man made idea to help us cope with the infinity that is dying.

That's about my standpoint. Couldn't say it better.
I think when it's over, then it's over.


 idk what happens after death i mean what would happen to you. what would happen to your thoughts and all. Would evertything just stop, or is there somthing after? i guess im an atheist cuz i dont believe anything. i dont understand why if there was a higher being he wouldnt show himself and how he could just poof out of nowhere. i also cant grasp the idea of evolution either. i kinda believe in gohsts and i want to have an out of body experience. idk y yet tho.  i also hate how people say "well im an athiest" and then the persons like "wow you worship the devil"  I dont get this. if there is a god then satan is his negative and you cant beleive in one without the other. idk some of my  ramblings.
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Or think of it like this: If God is all-powerful and the creator of all things: 1) Did God create the devil, and 2) why does God not stop the devil from doing evil? Some argue free will. And, if God has no control over the devil, that means God is not all-powerful.


If you want to know about God and Satan, you definitely need to read the Good Book = Dragonball by Akira Toriyama. ;)