NES toploader is modded for exp audio. Now for the honeybee adapter

Started by BroSir, December 02, 2024, 05:12:00 pm

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So my modder is following firebrandx's page.

That walkthrough is for a front loader. On for expansion audio, regarding a top loader, it says the following.

"If you have a NES top-loader, and have added the resistor(s) described in the above sections, solder a wire from pin 46 on the Famicom side of the adapter to pin 51 (EXP9) on the NES side of the adapter."

Everything seems straight forward. Can anyone confirm this is good to go, specifically with the honeybee? I know there are some resistors etc on the honeybee that im not seeing on more common fami 2 nes adapters. Should i expect any problems? Or am i good to go for audio expansion with cv3 and FDS games?

Ty you in advance. Also, please be gentle with your responses lol. Ive checked several posts and theres a lot of stuff that i dont understand.


I think those components are for the lockout-chip-defeat-circuit. It's a stun-circuit that zaps the CIC chip to prevent it from acting.
It won't affect your expansion audio but it's pretty shoddy, doesn't always work and I think it can actually damage your hardware. If I were you I would replace it with an AVRCICZZ.

Cartridge connector pinout
CIC pinout
Adding CIC clone to 72-pin adapter