Error 22 on FDS… but not the common one ?

Started by Famicom.In.My.Blood, Yesterday at 07:13:54 am

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Yesterday at 07:13:54 am Last Edit: Yesterday at 07:49:10 am by Famicom.In.My.Blood
I have a Twin Famicom fully recapped/serviced, and I play with OEM Famicom Disk games.

If the game is launched properly most of the time, an "Error 22" can appear on the "Famicom Please Set Disk Card" screen, approximately one time out of twenty launching (1/20).
Here, just eject and enter again the game solves the issue.

Also, once the game is launched, during the game, when there is a download screen, or when I save (so when the system makes the common "thinking" Famicom Disk noise lol), I could also have a black screen with indicate "Err.22".
And here too, eject and enter again the game solves the issue, I can continue my game where it stopped just before that "Err.22" message.
That happens approximately ten times out of a hundred download screen (10/100).

I specify never a save has been lost, or the game corrupted. Every time that appeared, I was then able to continue my game from my last save, and finish it properly.

So, my question is : is it a normal rate ? I mean, does Famicom Disk games and System could have that kind of occasional failure ?
Or should this never happen ?

Thank you.


There are errors sometimes, but not that often.

I'd wager either the disk is almost gone, or you're having problems with inconsistent drive speed.