What Famicom stuff do you own?

Started by Doc, July 30, 2006, 12:48:14 am

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December 05, 2006, 06:41:15 pm #60 Last Edit: December 05, 2006, 07:06:01 pm by JC
MAN, I never thought my collection would create this thick fog of jealiousness!
Very sorry!  :-\  ;)

Anyway, I have worked quite a lot to get the collection as nice as it is, especially with the famicom discs. I usually bought big lots, and sold of the dublettes locally and got back the money and usually more. Before I sold them off, I cleaned everything and saved the best conditioned parts of the games for myself. A LOT of work, but in the end I'm happy I managed to be as picky as I was. Now everything is nice and shiny. =) If I bought my collection on ebay I would be on the street now. =P

While my collection is nice, to be able to play my games is ALWAYS top priority.
Actually, I have opened maybe 2-3 unopened famicom disk games..  :-X *hides*

About the loose carts: The first deal was an auction with >100 carts. about 25% were baseball games, and another 25% were crappy or unplayable  games, but the rest were ok. Lot of dirty work cleaning them all up. There are often this type of auctions on yahoo, but usually there are loads of crappy games in them also.

This is what I want the most for my famicomdiskcollection: HERE

Sooo coool.. no, I don't have it.. its rare on yahoo japan also.. =(

I have been working on a complete list of famicom disk system games for some time. It is not ready, but maybe the siteowner wants it to make a better list for the site. I am documenting the code (for exampel FMC-PTM for palutenas mirror aka kid icarus) for the games, the japanese characters for it, and the english translation. Reason for this is so that you easily can look up the name of the game, and can search for it on yahoo japan auctions. =]


Dang! That list would be awesome. Our disk list is really lacking. I do want to add the codes to all the games on both the carts and disks list we've got, so those would be cool to have as well. :)

And as for that Disk Writer case...PM featherpluck and see if he'll give you a deal or find you one for cheap. He usually doesn't mind helping out forum members.

On loose carts...I've found some great deals on eBay, believe it or not. They're out there, but you've just got to know where to look, I guess.


That is a pretty sweet FDS collection.  Since there seems to be a lot of interest, I'll try to get a few extra Famicom Game Doctors.


I just got this in, it's a Dubbing Boy (technically a Dubbing Boy II) that was a mass produced accessory to copy FDS disks.  This board is missing the power connector, I've got to figure out how to wire it up to a +5 and then it should be in working order.  It's an analog copy device, so I'll never use it but it's cool to have anyhow.  Sorry for the flash spot, I was too lazy to drag out proper lighting.

On the left you plug it into the FDS system that will write the disk, on the right you plug in the system to read from.  The switch at the top says TEST and COPY.  You use the blue pot next to the LEDs to sync up the drive speed between the two motors in TEST mode.  Then you flip it to copy, hit the switch in the upper right and away you go!


Sweet!  Just hookup a 9v adapter to a 7805 Voltage regulator and you will be set.




I think i should post here, not in the main forum, sorry :p

Hi to all! Well I've post 3 or 4 times before, but this is my official presentation

I live in Spain, I play and collect videogames, and Famicom is one of my favourites (if not The) since I travelled to japan this past year. The travel was a birthday present from my girlfriend (god that's a fucking good present!) for knowing the city and at the same time hunt some games and freaky things, mostly Neo Geo games, but something strange happened when I visited Akihabara and Superpotato: I don't know why but those japanese dudes turned me mad about the little Fami. I can say I found my roots in videogaming.

Since then, I've start collecting Famicom like a berserk, here are my pics. they are not so good but enough to take a nice look:


Well, some games are flying to my home now, I already have several systems: sharp twin famicom, 3 original famicom, 1 new famicom, everything complete.

My jewel? I think Snow Bros, in Akihabara was the non grail more expensive. BTW I want to complete the collection with everygame released officially, but I don't know any list of them. I hope now that I've found this web the work will be much more easy.

Thanks for supporting the Famicom. Long live to retrogaming!




I just landed a Famicom Disk System, a Famicom Light Gun, a Famicom Network System and controller, and a Famicom Data Recorder, amoung other things.
I am currently working on a homepage...  details to follow.




Quote from: vealchop on January 18, 2007, 11:11:47 am
sweet! all together in one lot?

Yes.  Would you like a photo of everything in that lot?
I am currently working on a homepage...  details to follow.




Quote from: vealchop on January 18, 2007, 12:06:44 pm
did you get a good deal?

Nintendo Famicom Data Recorder-------$54.05USD
Famicom DISK System AC Adapter-------$18.02USD
Famicom DISK System with ROM---------$31.53USD
Famicom Network System------------------$27.03USD
Famicom Network controller----------------$10.81USD
Famicom Light Gun----------------------------$89.19USD
I am currently working on a homepage...  details to follow.