January 15, 2025, 09:38:03 am

Introduce yourself...

Started by ClassicGameLabs, August 20, 2006, 08:58:39 pm

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Quote from: fredJ on June 27, 2012, 01:21:30 pm
Hi to both of you, and welcome.  :D

thanks!  :D

Quote from: son_ov_hades on June 27, 2012, 01:30:43 pm
I like your band! Pretty interesting stuff, and there is a really unique quality to your voice. You're not planning on playing across the pond anytime soon are you?

thanks! I'm glad you enjoy our stuff  ;D . Would love to play over in the States but it wont be anytime soon sadly... one day
"GameCentre CX Chief ON!"


Well, its grand to see all the new people on our site.

I would like to welcome the both of you.


Quote from: The Uninvited Gremlin on July 01, 2012, 07:43:05 am
Well, its grand to see all the new people on our site.

I would like to welcome the both of you.
"GameCentre CX Chief ON!"



You are both quite welcome, I hope that this place will become like your internet home like it is for most of us.


Welcome new members!! AWAAAA!
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


I found the forum a few weeks ago, joined today.
I don't have a Famicom yet, but that should change soon!


rainulous, welcome to Famicom World! I think you would be better off purchasing a Famicom from one of our members are we tend to sell them a whole lot cheaper then auction sites ever do.


So  i thought i would put it here.....sorry if i put it in the wrong place.... lets see here were to start, I got sent here from a member of nintendo age, im interested in doing trades and purchases, ebay is getting a little too much for me... doesn't matter if you are buying or selling, i seem to come across alot of As**ol*s  that try to rip  you off... i do have a paypal account, and from the states.... minnesota to be exact. Im very interested in importing some things, n64/sfc, and even a famicom system and some games...once an awhile ill have items up for trade. due to my weekly thrift store shopping....sorry if i seem to babble, but im not sure what i need to put into a introduction....also if any one who wants to import American games let me know,,,,unless its really valuable or a console for cheap. if its a game i have no interest in in owning my self. i leave it for some one else... ill be posting some items in the WTT/FS section hope no one minds :)


I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat



hey all, i'm bartre, a native of the wide open cornfields of nebraska.
anywho, new to the site, but not to forums, been hanging around pcefx and racketboy mostly.
hope i stay a while :D


Wow Bartre, that was quick. Welcome!

This is JKM, btw.


yeah, i'm kinda diggin the whole fami thing right now, we'll see if it sticks.
i got the chance to play a twin fami at MGC this last year, and it was pretty great.
