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Introduce yourself...

Started by ClassicGameLabs, August 20, 2006, 08:58:39 pm

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Hi, I'm Joey, I'm from Canada and love Nintendo.

I love to play all the Nintendo Systems I have been able to play. Nintendo just has a way of making their systems and games that's just so amazing.

I have always been interested in the Famicom, but have never known much about it, or have a Famicom System. That's one of the reasons I love this site and forum, I want to start and get some Famicom Games and I can come here to get all the info on them.

A reason I am really starting to love the Famicom is it has so many amazing games that didn't make it anywhere beyond the Famicom. Now there are tons of new games I can play that I never knew existed.

Stan Hansen

hi uh, im Stan Hansen, and i lariat things for a living.

I love all things old school nintendo (NES, SNES) but havent really gotten into Famicom. FamicomJL is a friend of mine who asked me to join the board in hopes of learning a thing or too about the awesomeness that is the Famicom.


You ARE a huge Super Famicom fan, though. :) Those Japanese Puro games are AWESOME.



You know, I'm not much into kinky bondage. :-*



Um...who are you -- you didn't say... ???


Hey, my name is Jefferson I'm from Brazil, São Paulo capital. I'm from the NES/Famicon Forum, I'm no collector but do appreciate games from both NES and Famicon. I think that collect costs for games, consoles and accessories in good conditions is really great, therefore I pay more attention to the fun it provides.
Congratulations for the Site and for forum, I wait to be able
to participate frequent and to make many friendships. They have Faith in the Church of the invisible Famicom!

Jefferson Ipex ( Brasil - São Paulo )
Playing Battletoads (Turbo closed Tunnel of eyes)


Welcome, Jefferson!

It's good to have you here. You Brazilians are lucky -- you have great pirate games in Brazil. I've tried to get some, but they are hard to come by. You should hook me up with some!

Hope you stick around. Thanks for joining.


Welcome Ipex, I'm also new, I'm also from São Paulo, Brazil.

JC, If I found out something interesting here, I'll post in the Store so we can trade or something!


September 09, 2006, 11:24:53 pm #26 Last Edit: September 10, 2006, 12:22:43 pm by JC
Welcome, wimpy27! Good to see two new members from so far away.

I think that gives us Americans, Canadians, Brazilians and at least one guy from Japan!

EDIT: And some Europeans. I think one's a German.


Quote from: JC on September 09, 2006, 11:14:50 pm
Welcome, Jefferson!

It's good to have you here. You Brazilians are lucky -- you have great pirate games in Brazil. I've tried to get some, but they are hard to come by. You should hook me up with some!

Hope you stick around. Thanks for joining.

Thanks a lot!  Here in Brazil Cartridges pirates they do not lack, soon I will place photos of original Cartridges and Pirates who I have here. [Abs]
Jefferson Ipex ( Brasil - São Paulo )
Playing Battletoads (Turbo closed Tunnel of eyes)


Welcome, Ipex and wimpy! Hope both of you stay. :)


Just noticed this thread.  So, here goes....

Hello,  I'm Matthew.  I am a twenty-one years old and I live in the great United States of America!!!......  *cough*
Anyhoo.  I am Currently enrolled in colledge with my major being Network Administration.  (One more semester left.... whoo hoo!) 
I am currently learning Japanese and I have been an avid gamer since 1995!  I drive a "Claret Red" 1991 Plymouth Acclaim.

I currently own...
Nintendo FAMICOM <-- In the mail, should be here tomarrow.
Nintendo Entertainment System x2
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo Virtual Boy
Nintendo 64
Nintendo Game Cube x2
Nintendo Game Boy
Nintendo Game Boy Pocket x2
Nintendo Gameboy Color x2
Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP x2
Nintendo Game Boy Micro
Nintendo DS
Sega Genesis 1
Sega Genesis 2
Sega Game Gear
Sega Saturn
Sega Dreamcast
Sony Playstation x2
Sony Playstation 2 x2
Atari Super Pong
Atari 2600 x2
Atari 5200 4-port

All of my systems are completely modified to play any region game as well as backups, except for the PS2 GCN and DC.  These will be modded within the next few months.

I plan to Purchase a Nintendo DS Lite and I will purchase a Nintendo Wii as well.
I am currently working on a homepage...  details to follow.