January 30, 2025, 08:27:07 pm

Introduce yourself...

Started by ClassicGameLabs, August 20, 2006, 08:58:39 pm

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Anything worth seeing up north?


Depends on what you'd like to see, really. Interesting shrines and temples can be found everywhere, but of course the most media attention is on Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto.

Maybe we should continue this discussion in the Japan thread.  :D



A lot of interesting Japan info there. Anyways, welcome to all the new member I have missed.
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com

Agent X

Figures It take me (3) posts before finding the "Introduce Yourself" thread.  I figured it was in the Famicom/FDS section for some reason, and not Off Topics.  Anyhoo, I found the site through a link an online friend of mine put up in a thread where I mentioned I'm looking for Dead Fox: Human Weapon.  He thought it be a good idea to join up over here and get some Famicom chitchat going with the rest of you, and of course see what might be available in the resident market place.  Anyhow... the name's Mike, I'm thirty years old and have been a die hard gamer since 1983.  Started off on a 6-Slot wood paneled Atari 2600 and have more or less owned every system (save the Bandai Playdia, FM Town Marty) released on both sides of the Pacific at some point.  I'm still more of an Arcade gamer over all else, and I currently own three upright cabs in my house which are IKARI III: The Rescue, RASTAN, and a Neo:Geo 2-SLOT.  The makings for an MX 5000 cab are in my walk in closet, but I have yet to put it together or power up the PCB of it.

Online I'll either be here (now), over at Neo-Geo.Com, OS-BMX.Com and a book forums to boot.  Basically I'm a *conversationalist* who just likes to meet and talk with ppl from all over the globe, usually about more than gaming, but it seems gaming is the common bond on the web.  In my professional life I'm a LV III (armed) Security Enforcement Officer, I still ride BMX and I love to tactical combat and cowboy action shoot.  I'm a voracious reader of any and all things, both non fiction and fiction alike, and will probably be gaming when the bombs fall [that's a joke BTW].  Not much else to say other than I'm glad to be here, and look forward to chatting it up with others in the Famicom community.  Only wish I'd have known about this site/community sooner is all.
Gaming peaked in the 8-Bit & 16-Bit eras...
all else is just rehashes and insanity passing
itself off as "gaming."
~Agent X


Welcome new member hope you enjoy your stay in this awesome forum!
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


Hello all  :)

I've been a lurker here for quite some time, but I'm starting to build my FC collection finally, so I thought it was time to get to know some folks around here.  My name is Jon, and I'm from Wisconsin.  I've been an NES collector for a number of years, and am fairly active on the nintendoage.com forums.  My collection so far is only a boxed Famicom and Disk System, but I have several games on their way to me now from Japan.  I'm a slow but steady collector.  I hope to learn a lot from you guys!


Hello and welcome new member. I remember seeing you in nintendo age forum. There are so many good things for both NES and Famicom to check out so it's good that you join here. I  hope all the information in this forum will help you out in your growing collection!
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


Welcome nesguy.

I hope you become a famicomguy over time.  ;)


Wow, I have been a member for like a month and never saw this thread. :P
Anyway, I started my collection early this past summer and have around 30 Famicom games and 40 NES games, and a bunch of random accessories for each. I also have a N64, SNES, Gamecube, 5 gameboys, and Wii, (I like Nintendo) but I have been focusing most of my attention of the 8-bit consoles lately. My first console was my N64, and I have always been interested in the NES. One day, I decided it was time to get one. And I did. Then I saw the Famicom with all its white and redness and I had to get one of those too. And I did. I had lots 'O fun but I wanted to more about my Famicom than what was posted on Wikipedia. So here I was making my rounds on the internets one day and happened across this fine site and here I am! yay!
That's it...


Welcome! -- I guess, even though you've been here a while.


Hi all!

I'm new to this forum, and just wanted to say hello to all famicom collectors!  :) I'm sure there will be alot of interesting stuff to read here :D Also, I'm from Sweden, so if you need any info about games/gamestuff from around here, just ask! I hope to find some cool disk games for my new Sharp Twin Famicom on the board :)

EDIT: Oops, didn't noticed the OT about this  ;D



I've merged this one with the "introduce yourself" thread.
I hope your next posts go into the appropriate places.  ;)


Welcome new members I hope you all have a good time here!
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


I just started playing famicom 2 days ago(on the actual hardware), and it's way better than emulators. So far I've got SMB, Gradius, Star Soldier, and Mario Bros. I was born in December of '94.
( ยด_ゝ`)


Long time lurker, seldom poster. Quite new to the world of Famicom but absolutely loving it! Got around 20 games already and looking to expand...my current favs are Gradius and Splatterhouse Wanpaku Graffitit...oh and my game that uses the tap tap mat? I forget the name of it lol. I'm finding the Famicom is making me play games again instead of just collecting them

Anyhow, looking forward to speaking some Famicom with you all
