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Introduce yourself...

Started by ClassicGameLabs, August 20, 2006, 08:58:39 pm

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Welcome. We don't mind friends joining up, just remember that this is a forum, not instant messaging. (preemption)


Kewl that you guys joined this forum. There is lots to check out here so enjoy your stay!! har har har!
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


hi im not very new i just havnt been on famciom world for at least 6 months and thought i would introduce myself.    i like the gameboy color over any system.:)


try two years jake  . you registered a month after me lol. and welcome to the forum.  :D
Great Fox will cover you.


Quote from: earthquakejake on August 25, 2009, 07:14:41 pm
hi im not very new i just havnt been on famciom world for at least 6 months and thought i would introduce myself.    i like the gameboy color over any system.:)

Awesome! I like gameboy color a lot as well and admire it being your selection over any system.
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


I am one of nintendodork's friends... so I guess he referred me. I am looking for a Famicom also, and I thought this site might help me out a little.


Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com



I'm 20 years old Finnish gamer. I speak bad bad bad bad English, so don't be confused.
I found this place by M0rtanius (thx for him!), and I have readed many topics in here, so I wanted to register. I don't have Famicom or anything consoles from Nintendo (yes, that's true), but I'm interested of REALLY crappy Famiclones and REALLY crappy Famicom/NES pirates.
This moves like in cracktros...Yes, and lot lot lot talking (with bad english, sure). You know this doesn't move like cracktro style...if you even know what it is. This gonna need more effects...Nah! But there's one thing what blows my mind, why hell you are still reading this POS?!?!?


Welcome! It's pretty cool you're from Finland, I find the country to be fascinating and the language specifically. You're English isn't so bad, I'm sure we'll be able to understand you. If you stay around I think you'll catch the bug and get a Famicom  :).



Welcome new member and friend!
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


Sounds like my kind of guy.

The crappier the famiclone, the better in my book.
>>>Current Collection<<< Updated 8/20/2014

-Click here for Photobucket Collection-


Hi, Im from Poland. Reading this forum for a while, now aregistered member. At the moment I own NES, and my famicom will come to me soon from Japan. Nice to meet you all.



Hey, I know UglyJoe from Nintendo daily... decided to join.
Consoles I own (by Generation):

1st: N/A 2nd: Colecovision 3rd: Game Boy Pocket 4th: Game Boy Color, SNES 5th: N64, N64DD, PS1 Sega Saturn  6th: Xbox, 2 Gamecubes, Dreamcast, PSP, DS 7th: Wii, Xbox 360, Ps3