Akumajou Dracula Dentsu

Started by trevorbelmont, August 23, 2006, 07:41:36 pm

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I was wondering if any one had a mint complete copy of Akumajou Denetsu (Castlevania 3).


Nope. I don't have one. I saw one on eBay last week, tho. :) Juggalo's a big fan of the series, but I don't know if he's got one -- plus he hasn't been around in a while...


dang i really want it especially to play it, but i wont buy one unless its complete.



here's why, would you jut download the rom and just play it there? no,  its the same thing with having it complete it makes me alot more happy to own the real complete game. just like it would be better to own the cart instead of a rom.


Holding the game and a Famicom (maybe NES) controller in your hand is important -- as you call it, makes it "real". I hope you find it...and btw, welcome. I hope you stick around.



Yeah, it's just like the nes scene--each collector decides what to collect!  I'm certainly a cart only kind of guy.  I personally would rather get the game and start playing than try and search for something complete!  ;)


Quote from: michaelthegreat on August 24, 2006, 01:51:10 pm
Yeah, it's just like the nes scene--each collector decides what to collect!  I'm certainly a cart only kind of guy.  I personally would rather get the game and start playing than try and search for something complete!  ;)

I have to agree, I'd rather buy the games to play than to collect. I really only "collect" accessories, since there's some stuff I'd never in my right mind use...


i guess i forgot to mention i collect castlevania games.


Quote from: trevorbelmont on August 24, 2006, 04:55:11 pm
i guess i forgot to mention i collect castlevania games.

Hahahah, awesome! They're so expensive Japanese wise...


rondo of blood  was expensive.


Thing is, the Japanese sellers sell it high on the US eBay because they know people will pay those kind of prices there.  They can't sell them for anywhere near that much to Japanese buyers because they're smart enough to know how insanely common they are...same thing with titles like Gryzor or DBZ, stuff that sells insanely high here but really isn't common at all...while the rare shit goes dirt cheap because nobody knows what exactly it is :P

Oh, and as for the completeness issue, I feel that I'd rather have complete games, but if I really wanted it, I'd pick up a cart, and upgrade later on down the road.    But something about having a CIB copy, especially a CIB mint copy, of a game is just special.


Not to knock this thread too much off course, but you make a good point, Wiz666. I've found it really stupid how a lot of US eBayers will drool over and bid really high on games they're familiar with, but won't spend more than a couple bucks if the name is unfamiliar to them. You see the Famicom version of NES games selling like mad, but you hardly ever see the Japanese-exclusives doing so hot. Some sellers don't even seem to offer the exclusives all that much 'cause they can't rake in the dough with those (unless it has a familiar title like Dragon Ball Z).

To tie it all in: The same is true of Akumajo Dracula Dentsu. US eBayer drool over it, even thought there's a lot of better Japanese-exclusive games out there.