books about Famicom

Started by manuel, August 27, 2006, 03:32:10 pm

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Here's a screen capture I blew up of the hidden message, can anyone read his name?? hahahaha!



Whoa, looks awesome! I see the 1960 and the 26, lol.


Manuel better hurry up and give us a full translation of this!!!

It's so neat. :D


Nakajima Kaoru, who's that?   And then something about a pussy with the wanna have sex and he's horny stuff.  He really seems to wanna get it on with Chitsu-chan and Kuri-chan.


featherpluckinfilm was faster than me. ;)

Now then, word for word...
"Designer Nakajima Kaoru, born 1960 in Toyokawa-City in Aichi prefecture, 26 years old.
I want to lick a pussy (not cat... ;) ) I want a girl who has sex with me. Chitsu, Kuri, (girls' names) I love you! I love you!"



Well, that's certainly....*ahem* weird...

I've never heard of this in U.S. games, lol.


hahaha! oh man what a creep! Manuel if theres any more of these hidden messages in that book let me know and I'll find em with VirtualNES and post em up here!


That's so funny. I wonder how that was discovered -- by a leak from someone who knew the designer or just some random Japanese gamer with a VirtualNES. So funny. I'll be posting it on FW sometime today, I think.


Give credit to featherpluckin and manuel though. :)


May 30, 2007, 02:03:08 pm #55 Last Edit: May 30, 2007, 02:11:03 pm by manuel
Time to revive that old thread.

There's another fine Famicom book, the "Fami-Complete".
Have a look at the old thread over at nesfiles forums for photos:

I want that book, but still have to find it for cheap. (Yeah, I'm a cheap-ass... ;))


That's a nice hidden message nice way to waste extra data
Retro Gaming Life


Do you mean the hidden data stuff some posts above?
Well, that wasn't wasted data... they probably had a surplus of storage, so the design guy put that in. ;D


Quote from: manuel on May 30, 2007, 02:13:17 pm
Do you mean the hidden data stuff some posts above?
Well, that wasn't wasted data... they probably had a surplus of storage, so the design guy put that in. ;D

ahh well at least it was something interesting I bet those girls were hot!! hmm japanese girls ahhh yesss lol anyways hope people find more interesting hidden stuff.
Retro Gaming Life


I'm sure there's lots of hidden messages in the roms out there.
It's just a pain in the a** to crawl through the the loads graphics of games.