Post your most interesting pirate cart

Started by MaxXimus, May 30, 2008, 10:46:09 am

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What would you considder to be your most interesting pirate cart, and why? If at all possible, include a picture of the cart.

II would say my Rockman 6in1 is my most interesting cart for the reason that it has a label I haven't seen on any other Rockman 6in1 and also when loading Rockman 4, it displays a picture of the level select screen in what seems to be an inerted pallette before loading the game. Rockman 4 also seems to have infinite lives...

I will post a picture of the cart later today. I can't right now because of crappy permissions on my school's computers.


This one is real interesting because it comes with Summer Carnival 92. The game kicks ass!

Retro Gaming Life


This is my favorite: HERE. I haven't found a more enjoyable pirate original than Earthworm Jim 3.


pocket monsters green?! on the famicom? what...................this is a hack of some other Famicom game right? I can't see pokemon gb structure being ported to the Famicom by pirates......


It's that frog game starring that frog from hello kitty.



Is it changed, like with a green pikachu or something?
Or is it just the name changed?


It stars a green Clifairy or what ever. :P


Retro Gaming Life


probably Aladdin and Super Aladdin  - I don't know why, it's just addictive.

Recca (Summer Carnival '92) is also amazing. anyone want one of my spare carts? ain't cheap though.


What exactly is Recca?

Is it like R-Type or Gradius?


Quote from: planet_haxxor on June 05, 2008, 05:35:56 pm
probably Aladdin and Super Aladdin  - I don't know why, it's just addictive.

Recca (Summer Carnival '92) is also amazing. anyone want one of my spare carts? ain't cheap though.

I might be interested in one of your spare carts. What games are on them, and what price are you asking for?
Dance, puppets... dance!


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Quote from: nurd on June 06, 2008, 08:28:41 am
What exactly is Recca?

It was a game used in competition during Summer Carnival '92. The game saw a limited release, I think only at the carnival. The game plays like you standard shooter, but it's chaos in 8-bit. HERE

AB Positive

1st post here...

I just recently finally got a Famicom along with 4 games from an online store and I'm in love with the system. Admittedly, I'm a classic gamer but never ever got into the NES. I post this aside to get to the point of the thread - during my random collecting of other systems I had come across a power joy pirate controller system... which has that Power Joy 008 cart on it! So having just read the article on it, I imagine I should now try out Pandamar!

Just started the fami collection... want to finish a pulse line collection to start. :)


PJ008 is a nice cart. I'd like to get one some day. :P Pandamar is a great game as far as graphics hacks go.