Post your most interesting pirate cart

Started by MaxXimus, May 30, 2008, 10:46:09 am

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Hey, it's nice to see boxed famipira. ;D Boxes don't show up often. I know nothing about Samurai Showdown II, other than that it's one in a series, though Rex did the other two. I wasn't aware that JY Company did this one, but there it is on the label. It's very likely just a hack of one of JY Company's other fighters. (I've also been looking for an original of SFII, which it appears you have. I've got the Yoko original Master Fighter II, but have yet to find SFII, except on bootlegs of the original bootleg.)

EDIT: Guess it might be "Shodown." :P


Sweet bootlegs! How is the Samurai 2 game ?
Retro Gaming Life

Agent X

Quote from: JC on November 18, 2008, 11:59:01 am
Hey, it's nice to see boxed famipira. ;D Boxes don't show up often. I know nothing about Samurai Showdown II, other than that it's one in a series, though Rex did the other two. I wasn't aware that JY Company did this one, but there it is on the label. It's very likely just a hack of one of JY Company's other fighters. (I've also been looking for an original of SFII, which it appears you have. I've got the Yoko original Master Fighter II, but have yet to find SFII, except on bootlegs of the original bootleg.)

EDIT: Guess it might be "Shodown." :P

I might still have the box for Street Fighter 2 actually, (though my daughter may have lost it) if I do have it and you want it, I'll just mail it to you once I have an addy.  I'm not really partial to boxes in my Famicom collection, I actually prefer the "loose" carts, mainly because of their size and shape.  With NES stuff, I try to have CIB games, but that's getting harder and harder to do.  I also have a yellow box for that Super Mario World that I didn't picture it with for much the same reason.  I just don't care for the boxes.  If that interests you as well, I make the offer to mail that box to you as well.  That one I actually know where it is.  As for JY I didn't realize that was a pirate company, learn something everyday.  I just figured it was some odd nomenclature on the cart trying to make it look like an official release or something.

Quote from: FamicomFreak on November 18, 2008, 12:49:57 pm
Sweet bootlegs! How is the Samurai 2 game ?

Truthfully, THIS IS THE GAME I'd tell anyone who's into Famicom bootleg/pirate collecting to track down if you want an almost flawless VS. Fighting Game in terms of control execution.  I guess this JY company really did their homework for the game because it's not like the horrid controls Yoko Soft did with "Street Fighter II / Master Fighter" and is worlds better than that K.O.F. 98 boot for the Mega Drive I once owned, where pulling off moves was almost non existant. 

Samurai Spirits 2 (title screen says this though the box says Shodown 2) is actually mapped out from it's Super Famicom port (I'm guessing) because all of the controller motions you'd do to execute a move WORKS.  The game itself is sluggish, and you can do cheap TEKKEN like attacks where a super move throws someone into the air, and you can keep hitting them on their way down... but outside of this, the game is about as close to perfect as one is going to get for a VS. FIghting game on the 8-BIT FAMICOM.  The Back of the box however, shows the actual Neo:Geo MVS screens!  :D  It's a bloody shame this wasn't a legit release with a few more tweaks to it because I think it have sold like hot cakes.  I procure most of this (bootleg) stuff from a guy I know in Hong Kong who also posts over at Neo-Geo.Com/Forums, username ckchan.  Great guy he is.  Anyhow, here are some screen pics for you to see for yourself...

As you can see, the graphics are pretty good considering it's an 8-BIT version of what I'm (again) assuming to be a ported "port" of the Super Famicom version of Samurai Spirits.  It flickers every now and then during a match, and for some odd reason Amakusa is named Mizuki ???  I dunno, maybe it's not supposed to be Amakusa afterall... but the on screen character select screen shows what appear to be the first South Town boss of "Art of Fighting" Todo. Go figure, but then all of these pirate/boots do weird stuff like this.  In that K.O.F. 98' for Mega Drive I mentioned, Terry Bogard got renamed Treey:D  Anyhow, hope the pics and description helps you all out, it's one I'd recommend tracking down.   My only gripe is that Genjuro is missing in this game!  He's the reason #2 kicked ass IMO.
Gaming peaked in the 8-Bit & 16-Bit eras...
all else is just rehashes and insanity passing
itself off as "gaming."
~Agent X


Wow awesome boot! I will definitely try to get a copy of it. Looks great too!
Retro Gaming Life


looks really cool. I own the rom, but doesn't run properly in FCU. Think the game is not correctly emulated yet, like a lot of other pirates 
Long live to the Pirates !!!

Agent X

Quote from: Vikingo70s on November 20, 2008, 07:53:14 am
looks really cool. I own the rom, but doesn't run properly in FCU. Think the game is not correctly emulated yet, like a lot of other pirates 

Yeah sounds like it.  I just saw youtube footage of Contra Spirits for the Famicom (pirate game of course) and have to admit, I'd like to track this game down something fierce.  It's not without it's problems from what I can tell, and the EMU the guy is playing sounds to have some sound issues, but it's surprising what was able to be pulled off on the 8-BIT Famicom for the unofficial port.  The part with the WW1 Bi Plane dropping a bomb instead of the alien starship in level one had me rolling though.
Gaming peaked in the 8-Bit & 16-Bit eras...
all else is just rehashes and insanity passing
itself off as "gaming."
~Agent X


this would be one of my interesting pirate carts

Mario Fighter III


maybe ill put a video up of it


It's intriguing, but the hack is terrible. Mario is often smooshed. Nice cart to own, though, especially for Mario hack collectors.